Just what I am feeling tonight. I am happily back on the laptop, watching a little Destination Truth, and laughing at my dogs. My day has not been too shabby considering I started yesterday with a sore throat and ended with a fever. This morning I was still a little medicine-heady but the day went on pretty much without a hitch, thanks to a wonderful Liane who brought me a Den pop after lunch. I decided to be productive when I got home so not only did I start working out again (yep, this fat girl can still run) but I started my latest sewing project...new throw pillows for the couch. This is where things got a little dicey. I went to cut the thread on the the pillow and got my finger tip with it. Since I have been told by many people to designate sewing scissors so I always have good scissors to cut my fabric, these were extra sharp. Now if you know me, I am not a queasy person, I can do just about anything on an animal....but when it comes to myself, I am the wussiest person you will ever meet. I almost passed out when they took the sutures out of my hand after my carpal tunnel surgery. Therefore I called my trusty nurse neighbor and made her check out the injury to decide if sutures were needed.....I still don't know
exactly how deep the cut is, but I took her word for it, cleaned it thoroughly and wrapped it up. Out of sight, out of mind = no chance of me passing out and the cats eating my face. Not to be deterred by injury, I brought the pillows upstairs to stuff so I can finish them up. Now hilarity ensued. Phoebe, Tess, and Dudley...but mostly Phoebe didn't understand why I would want to stuff something when they spend their evenings de-stuffing them. Therefore I had plenty of help. This is the point of time when I realize that "I am happy." It might be the Mad Mushroom I had for dinner, it might be the goofy animals of mine or it might be that I really am happy, for the first time in a long time. I loved my old job, but money was always in the back of my mind, the job before that, well I loved it once. Now I am on this new adventure and I feel happy (getting my first paycheck tomorrow helps). I see posts from my old co-workers, my clinic peeps, and I do get this twinge in my stomach. I miss seeing them daily. But I want them to know that I love them and miss them, so clinic peeps, if you are reading this, believe it. I doubt you are reading this though. :) Hopefully the rest of the week goes smoothly because it will end with hopefully a great friday night stalking one of my favorite authors. Oh and FYI, it is only creepy when you stalk alone. In pairs, it is totally NOT creepy.