Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!

Easter bunny??

It leaves "eggs" in the yard, just ask my dad, he is very good at finding the special easter eggs plus

it eats carrots......

Happy Easter everyone!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Well I am officially in my second week of working nights. I do love it but I have noticed one thing.....okay many things but the main one is I have NO IDEA what day it is. Not the date but the actually day, monday, thursday, sunday.....Don't have a clue. Score one for DVR not letting me lose any of my precious shows. I have noticed other things, black-out curtains are the BEST. THING. EVER. My dogs are liars, they try to convince me to feed them every chance they get. I caught on this week. Pretty sure they got fed three times a few days last week. Also shopping when you are tired takes twice as long and is half as productive. Other than those minor adjustments, I am handling it pretty well. Now I just need to get my butt motivated and figure out what time I am going to start working out. But I feel the transition is going smoothly.
This week was the first set of severe storms. I toyed with the idea of taking Phoebe to work with me since she has developed a completely irrational fear of storms out of the blue. But the guilt of leaving the other dogs here and a tornado taking my house stomped that one out. After a tornado warning, some rough winds, and severe lightning, I came home to find the house and dogs in one piece. I thought everyone did well but I noticed that after I fed the dogs that Dudley immediately wound up on my bed snoring which is what he did all the next day. Maybe he did spend a lot of the night comforting phoebe. I will never know. Well I am going to end this blog with one of the more depressing things I was told at work. I was leaving and I said "See ya tomorrow" and was corrected with "it is never see ya tomorrow, it is see you later today." Very true when working nights.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy 100th Blog!

Just what I am feeling tonight. I am happily back on the laptop, watching a little Destination Truth, and laughing at my dogs. My day has not been too shabby considering I started yesterday with a sore throat and ended with a fever. This morning I was still a little medicine-heady but the day went on pretty much without a hitch, thanks to a wonderful Liane who brought me a Den pop after lunch. I decided to be productive when I got home so not only did I start working out again (yep, this fat girl can still run) but I started my latest sewing throw pillows for the couch. This is where things got a little dicey. I went to cut the thread on the the pillow and got my finger tip with it. Since I have been told by many people to designate sewing scissors so I always have good scissors to cut my fabric, these were extra sharp. Now if you know me, I am not a queasy person, I can do just about anything on an animal....but when it comes to myself, I am the wussiest person you will ever meet. I almost passed out when they took the sutures out of my hand after my carpal tunnel surgery. Therefore I called my trusty nurse neighbor and made her check out the injury to decide if sutures were needed.....I still don't know exactly how deep the cut is, but I took her word for it, cleaned it thoroughly and wrapped it up. Out of sight, out of mind = no chance of me passing out and the cats eating my face. Not to be deterred by injury, I brought the pillows upstairs to stuff so I can finish them up. Now hilarity ensued. Phoebe, Tess, and Dudley...but mostly Phoebe didn't understand why I would want to stuff something when they spend their evenings de-stuffing them. Therefore I had plenty of help. This is the point of time when I realize that "I am happy." It might be the Mad Mushroom I had for dinner, it might be the goofy animals of mine or it might be that I really am happy, for the first time in a long time. I loved my old job, but money was always in the back of my mind, the job before that, well I loved it once. Now I am on this new adventure and I feel happy (getting my first paycheck tomorrow helps). I see posts from my old co-workers, my clinic peeps, and I do get this twinge in my stomach. I miss seeing them daily. But I want them to know that I love them and miss them, so clinic peeps, if you are reading this, believe it. I doubt you are reading this though. :) Hopefully the rest of the week goes smoothly because it will end with hopefully a great friday night stalking one of my favorite authors. Oh and FYI, it is only creepy when you stalk alone. In pairs, it is totally NOT creepy.