I am always told I should write a book about everything that happens in my life... I never got around to it.
Monday, June 27, 2011
90 days.....
As I am getting use to the new job, new students, new interns, I am still struggling with keeping in touch with my friends. We all know I love sleep and working nights is just a perfect excuse to do it as much as possible. A friend of mine recently posted a blog on depression and though hers is due to post partum, I have to watch myself and that I am sleeping because I am tired and not because it is sneaking in again. Depression can affect everyone in different ways and it is not necessarly considered to be because I am "sad." Sometimes it is a lack of interest in human interaction, a lack of motivation, and a surplus of sleep and pain. It usually sneaks up on me in the winter when the days last just about as long as a Lifetime Movie. In the winters, one of my big deterents to keep it away is to go tanning. That is why I try to spend much of my time outside with my pups in the sunshine. Though sunshine is a scarce commoditiy lately as well.
So,to all of my neglected friends, let's make plans to enjoy the rest of this summer!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Oh the joy of procrastination, no money, and long summers

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
How to fail at life without really trying.
About the time I got fired, I realized that I couldn't afford my credit card payments. I came across a debt consolidation program that is very legit and started working with them to help out my situation. My goal was to get things under control without putting more stress on my family, as you can read by the past blogs, we had/still have plenty of stress. My main goal was to let my dad continue to plan his retirement with a smile on his face and a beer in his hand. Well, several months later, I find myself in a big'ol mess which in turn does the exact opposite of my plan to begin with. I do have a meeting with a financial advisor on thursday who agrees with me that what I did was the best option at the time, and agrees with me on the decisions I made. Hopefully now, I can make better decisions and actually make my family proud again, because at this point I am a giant FAIL. Just another disappointing day in the life of me. What am I going to do? I think I am going to curl up with Phoebe in her "I'm in trouble spot." She designated this as her"time out" spot all by herself. It started with the incontinence issues, now I often find her there and then search the house for whatever she did.

Monday, June 13, 2011

I have never been to a convention were animals were allowed AT the convention and one would think since it was basenjis it would be quiet, not the case. Every so often you would hear what I can only describe as a tasmanian devil outburst. Sometimes I think barking would be better. But everyone got along for the most part, but I think I will stick with my barking dogs...except when Phoebe and the corgis fight.
Everything else seems to be cruising right along, it is about time to say good-bye to our fabulous interns and get a new group in. I have to laugh because one of the interns I have worked with for the last two weeks just now realized I am a sarcastic person. Woopsie. Maybe I should turn off my sarcastic charm when working around new people. Working nights is still hard to get use to, I have a hard time keeping in touch with my friends. So if any of you are reading this, I am sorry, I am trying!!
Now I suppose I must go mow the lawn so I can get to my next item on my to-do list which is bring up the summer clothes. I know, I am a slacker but today I realized I couldn't find my good bathing suit because it was still packed (at least that is what I am hoping). I am happy though because I am now sporting my first sun-burn of the season, kinda nice and it was a great time spending the day with Nicole and her kids at their fabulous pool. Happy Summer everyone!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Yes, that really did happen.
Yep, ladies and gentleman. That is a pink dog. After the 5th hour of realizing I was in the possesion of a pink dog, it got a little hilarious ( and it had nothing to do with my 3rd day working with zero sleep).

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A fine line......
The difference between me and them is that all mine are taken care of. Hell, one even wears a diaper and a thundershirt, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.
To be continued......