Well Christmas is upon us. It is a time to remember all the Christmas traditions that we all take part in for the holiday spirit. There are plenty in every family. For instance, the nativity set (or the three or four I have) is a big part of mine. I remember as a child setting up the set with the three wise men farther away from the scene, then as Three Kings day arrived, the three kings would finally make their way to the manger. That was special to me. Also we would light the advent wreath every sunday, read the Upper Room and attend the Christmas eve service with my grandparents. I refrain from the advent wreath at my house because wreath + candles + cats = the christmas vacation sequel. Or the advent calendar. Do they even make those anymore? That was wonderful as a kid, to open a little window everyday for a cute picture, candy, or bible verse. Sometimes if we get to Missouri early enough we try to make it to the St. Louis zoo on Christmas eve. Not only is it free but it is usually pretty empty.

My grandparents always sit like this during opening presents, I have an exact picture from every year:

There are other Christmas traditions that are not so traditional in my family such as......
Grandad tormenting Dudley.....

The Six foot Bunny.....

Decorating my aunt as a christmas tree everytime she falls asleep in front of us...

Or the Christmas skull. Yep folks that is a human skull.

My brother use to think it was hilarious to somehow make me end up wrapping my own presents by either lying to me, telling me they are someone elses, or bribing me. There is also a house down from my grandparents that has a gazebo decorated with a nativity set in it. We either walk down there or drive by it. It is so simple and beautiful and is yet another tradition that I will always treasure. Christmas music? Well that is a giant variety from Aqua Teen Hunger Force christmas to the Muppets Christmas carol to chickens clucking christmas songs. So as we remember the true meaning of Christmas this season, let us all celebrate safely with our family and friends. What are your Christmas traditions?
Merry Christmas!!