These are all a "wish list" knowing that they are too expensive to actually get but isn't that what wish lists are for?
I am always told I should write a book about everything that happens in my life... I never got around to it.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Zombies and my Christmas list?
These are all a "wish list" knowing that they are too expensive to actually get but isn't that what wish lists are for?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
October and November!!!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Stereotypes....and other stuff on my mind
Sunday, September 18, 2011
4am: door unlocks
4:01am: Tess barks furiously, Dudley leans over the gate, and Phoebe barks from underneath the covers.
4:02-4:08; I yell at Tess to shut up which may include throwing pillows at her.
4:09: I give up and shut my door.
4:10: I start to fall back asleep
4:15: Craplin digs at the door to get either in or out of the bedroom
4:16: I let him out or in
4:17: Dudley jumps on the bed since whoever came in isn't going to say HI to him
4:20: I start to fall back asleep
4:35: Lola digs at the door to get in or out.
4:45: If I let Lola in, she immediately gets on the bed and tries to use my side as a balance beam. She is NOT light.
4:50: Phoebe grumbles from underneath the covers because somehow Lola has started to knead on her head.
4:55: I throw Lola off the bed.
4:56: Lola tries to get into the closet to rub her white body all over my black scrubs
5:00: I throw Lola out the room
5:05: Dudley sighs loudly and gets off the bed because HE is trying to sleep.
And scene.
My other SSB includes anyones bad habits. Leaving dirty laundry in the bathroom, shoes where-ever you took them off, and not washing the toothpaste out of the sink. It is bad habits to break and probably harder than most since I have done it for so long. I will continue to watch myself and try to hide the animals weirdness but at the same time I am ready to get back to least normal to me.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A few updates
This all comes down to the fact that I love my job. I have not even been at this position even one year but I have met so many great new people and friends. It is just another perk that came from something that I didn't realize I needed.
Now I must get back to searching for baby shower ideas that aren't going to be sickening sweet and make my SIL want to kill us.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I love my job.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
25 things you didn't know about me....
24. I love the smell of new shower curtains.
23. My dogs feet smell like fritos.
22. I wish I was as artistic now as I use to be in high school.
21. I sometimes regret ending up with Tess and sometimes she melts my heart.
20. I don't own nice things because I know they will ultimately end up broken by either me or my pets....except for Coach purses.
19. I am quickly approaching my scary age.
18. My scary age is 35.
17. Right now I really need to clean my house but instead am watching tv and blogging.
16. I don't let go of things, though I really really want to.
15. I suffer from depression, and sometimes I feel like I am drowning but I push through.
14. In the last year I have learned to trust in God with my life, because he really does have a plan.
13. I am addicted to reality shows, maybe because I don't have a life of my own.
12. Sometimes I really don't know how to say no and end up getting used by people.
11. As much as I didn't want Sam and Deli at the time, I miss them with all my heart.
10. I am terrified of not having kids.
9. I am terrified of having kids.
8. I desperately need a vacation, but that costs money.
7. Some nights I feel like I am loosing faith in mankind.
6. I love my job and I can't remember the last time I said that.
5. I am scared that I will never find someone who loves me for me.
4. I am scared that if I do find that someone I won't be able to trust them because of my past experiences.
3. I am extremely sarcastic.
2. I have a BFF that is considered part of the family.
1. I can't wait to become an aunt!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
My life is a sit-com?
One of my all time favorite shows is Scrubs. Sometimes I feel like I am in it. I work nights so things tend to be a little more......crazy. Goofy. Random. And I think to myself (in a totally JD head tilting way) that this scenario should totally be on an episode of Scrubs. I even have a group of friends (that do watch it) and our meetings are referred to as the Brain Trust. There is no evil Janitor, no rambling mean resident, *at least not rambling and no chief who has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap, but most of the time, amongst the chaos, there is laughs and shenanigans. Friendships are built that are hard to explain. In fact, this whole blog seems a little obsolete. Maybe there is too much in my head that hasn't come out. I guess I would rather my life be more like Scrubs then Sex and the City these days. I may continue to use random quotes that confuse people like "why does an hen need a banjo?" and "isn't that the giant pickle on the crap sandwhich that is my day." I may continue to think in my head and overanalyze every situation. And I will continue to speak our language with my brother. In fact, I do plan on passing this language down to little Bootsy or Jaco.
So to answer the question of this blog my life a sit-com? No, but sometimes all you can do is laugh because if you don't, the next option is crying. In high stress situations, sometimes those are the only two emotions you got.
Monday, July 18, 2011
A full moon, a heat wave, and a bit of a soul search
Stay cool!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Project complete!
The closet door took up so much room because it opened the wrong way, so I took it down and use an old cloth shower curtain instead. It brightened up the room and now I can easily access my craft supplies.
Monday, June 27, 2011
90 days.....
As I am getting use to the new job, new students, new interns, I am still struggling with keeping in touch with my friends. We all know I love sleep and working nights is just a perfect excuse to do it as much as possible. A friend of mine recently posted a blog on depression and though hers is due to post partum, I have to watch myself and that I am sleeping because I am tired and not because it is sneaking in again. Depression can affect everyone in different ways and it is not necessarly considered to be because I am "sad." Sometimes it is a lack of interest in human interaction, a lack of motivation, and a surplus of sleep and pain. It usually sneaks up on me in the winter when the days last just about as long as a Lifetime Movie. In the winters, one of my big deterents to keep it away is to go tanning. That is why I try to spend much of my time outside with my pups in the sunshine. Though sunshine is a scarce commoditiy lately as well.
So,to all of my neglected friends, let's make plans to enjoy the rest of this summer!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Oh the joy of procrastination, no money, and long summers
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
How to fail at life without really trying.
About the time I got fired, I realized that I couldn't afford my credit card payments. I came across a debt consolidation program that is very legit and started working with them to help out my situation. My goal was to get things under control without putting more stress on my family, as you can read by the past blogs, we had/still have plenty of stress. My main goal was to let my dad continue to plan his retirement with a smile on his face and a beer in his hand. Well, several months later, I find myself in a big'ol mess which in turn does the exact opposite of my plan to begin with. I do have a meeting with a financial advisor on thursday who agrees with me that what I did was the best option at the time, and agrees with me on the decisions I made. Hopefully now, I can make better decisions and actually make my family proud again, because at this point I am a giant FAIL. Just another disappointing day in the life of me. What am I going to do? I think I am going to curl up with Phoebe in her "I'm in trouble spot." She designated this as her"time out" spot all by herself. It started with the incontinence issues, now I often find her there and then search the house for whatever she did.
Monday, June 13, 2011
I have never been to a convention were animals were allowed AT the convention and one would think since it was basenjis it would be quiet, not the case. Every so often you would hear what I can only describe as a tasmanian devil outburst. Sometimes I think barking would be better. But everyone got along for the most part, but I think I will stick with my barking dogs...except when Phoebe and the corgis fight.
Everything else seems to be cruising right along, it is about time to say good-bye to our fabulous interns and get a new group in. I have to laugh because one of the interns I have worked with for the last two weeks just now realized I am a sarcastic person. Woopsie. Maybe I should turn off my sarcastic charm when working around new people. Working nights is still hard to get use to, I have a hard time keeping in touch with my friends. So if any of you are reading this, I am sorry, I am trying!!
Now I suppose I must go mow the lawn so I can get to my next item on my to-do list which is bring up the summer clothes. I know, I am a slacker but today I realized I couldn't find my good bathing suit because it was still packed (at least that is what I am hoping). I am happy though because I am now sporting my first sun-burn of the season, kinda nice and it was a great time spending the day with Nicole and her kids at their fabulous pool. Happy Summer everyone!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Yes, that really did happen.
Yep, ladies and gentleman. That is a pink dog. After the 5th hour of realizing I was in the possesion of a pink dog, it got a little hilarious ( and it had nothing to do with my 3rd day working with zero sleep).
Here is a much happier picture of me with her because I realized I no longer had a pink dog or perhaps the delirium of working nights. Hope she gets better soon!Wednesday, June 1, 2011
A fine line......
The difference between me and them is that all mine are taken care of. Hell, one even wears a diaper and a thundershirt, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.
To be continued......
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sorry All...and overdue blog.
There has been a lot going on recently and let's see if I can sum it up while I wait for my nails to dry (I blame Tami on my new found obsession for nail polish).
I have had a lot on my mind recently. It has ranged from "can I handle working another job?" to "Can I get rid of Miss Tess?" I know that leaves a lot of questions.
Well I had offered to work part-time awhile ago at the Clinic that I left to go to Purdue. I figured I could do the same as I did before, the equivalent of working a saturday albeit on my "weekend" which is the days off I have during the week. I failed to take into consideration my inability to say no to picking up extra shifts and over-working myself. I did my first shift a couple of days ago and it was great to be back in the saddle again, especially doing dentals, which I LOVE! But I was exhausted, luckily my dogs were too since they spent the day at day care. I know it will take some getting use to, but hopefully this is something I can swing. Fingers crossed.
In the process of all the job shuffling I still have the inevitable lack of confidence. I guess when you are "honorably discharged due to Medical conditions" that seems to take a huge chunk out of your professional ego. I am ALWAYS paranoid. I over analyze everything I hear, I make myself sick everytime I have an evaluation, and I am always looking over my shoulder, feeling like I am in some type of competetion. I know I am not because I am not trying to compete with anyone, and I know none of this is justified....(or is it?) but rational thinking, when it comes to this, is just not a strength of mine. How long will it take me to get over this?? Probably never. But I am hoping my confidence will start to increase as soon as I quit listening to other people, especially ones that I can't always trust to have my best interest in mind. As I am writing this out, I realize how completely stupid this all sounds, but there is no one in my mind to tell me that.
Finally my sweet Tess. I have newish neighbors (I just met them but they have been there awhile). One of them use to be a dog trainer so I employed his skills to see what he could do with Tess. Tess took up with him faster than I have ever seen her with a stranger. I was thoroughly impressed. Later on he brought his partner over to see what he thought of Tess, well it was AMAZING. They were all in the backyard and Tess went right up to him and sat down and nudged to be petted. Never met this guy before in her life. Now I am thinking, well....they can give her more attention and discipline then I can and they were willing to take her so we set up a trial run this past tuesday night for her to spend the night with her possible new dads. Needless to say my door bell rang 30minutes later with him standing there and my poor sweet Tess shaking like a leaf. I guess I am stuck with the girl, apparently she sat in the corner and shook like a leaf and cried. It was worth a try, granted I was having mixed emotions on getting rid of her, but all in all, I guess the decision was ultimately made for me. Dad will have to take her when he retires.
Well that is some quick rambling of all that has been going on recently. It does feel good to have it all out in writing. I hope everyone is safe after these last rounds of storms and my prayers are with those that were hit the hardest....Joplin, Minneapolis, Texas and right here in Indiana.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Things I have learned
Well after my first week of flying solo at work not only did I come out beaten and exhausted but I also came out a little smarter. I think I did okay considering that there were a lot of times that I had to lean on others for help, and then we even bribed ourselves with a trip to outlet malls after the next paycheck. That just goes to prove how the last week went. I guess the Seniors had to make their last week a doozy. But I learned a lot, here are just a few tips:
1.) Any vertical writing surface is a bad idea for a left handed person....dry erase, chalk boards,....etc.
2.) Cat bags are not specie specific.
3.) Double and triple check.....everything
4.) When all else fails, wing-it, even if the receptionists may hate you.
5.) At 8am in the morning after a crazy night, everything is funny
6.) At 8am in the morning when everything is funny, you tend to have zero strength left to fight.
7.) Triple XXX makes everything better, the food that is.
8.) A homemade belly band is genius
9.) Bribery will get you anywhere, even if you are just bribing yourself
10.) I work with a great group of people!!
I learned a lot and I learned to enjoy my days off even more. In fact, I treated today (Tuesday is it?) like a Sunday and did absolutely NOTHING. Beside write this blog, and now I am going to clean the bathroom, but nothing was planned for me to do today. My newest project, a fabric baby gate, let's hope my dogs aren't smart enough to figure this one out.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
A practice in patience....and keeping my mouth shut
Keeping my mouth shut, another Peterson virtue of quick tempers. I do tend to snap quite quickly when people tick me off. But through many years in theater, I have learned to smile and fake it. Of course behind that smile is me thinking " you stupid piece of ......" or "Listen ......." but I don't. I have had to keep my mouth shut a lot lately, I have learned it is best not to stir the pot, poke the bear, or any other weird phrases that basically mean "do not create drama." I guess I am kinda proud of myself because it is a known mathematic equation that as my sleep deprivation increases my filter and patience decrease. Yay for me.
Now for the bunny situation. Well yesterday I felt I was in a frat party dare gone desperately wrong. The milk crate had deterred the dogs despite what you all are thinking until Dudley ran into it and knocked it off the bunny hole. I come outside to find Tess with one in her mouth. I tell her to drop it which apparently translates into "eat faster" therefore she tries to SWALLOW IT WHOLE. (I couldn't help thinking about people swallowing whole goldfish.) I pull the victin out of her gullet by it's back legs. Seriously it was that far down there. I toss the victim aside to wrestle her in. When I come back out I realize that Phoebe has only the hind limbs and some intestines remaining. Joy. Now my concern is whether or not Phoebe's tiny GI system can pass a rabbit skull. Yes it can, at least that is the advice I got from the ever so helpful Momma J. Now there are many jokes of crowning flying around that I will not get into since it involves mental images that will keep you awake at night. The rest of the bunnies got relocated and taken to a wildlife center....or at least i thought the rest of the them but sometime in the evening last night Tess was carrying around another one. Since she apparently didn't like me sticking my hand down her throat she dropped this one fast and he was off. I tried to place him back in his hole with milk crate in place and he jumped through the milk crate openings. After several chases across the backyard (by me not the dogs) I can only assume this guy is not an original group since he can move at a swift speed and the others didn't even have their eyes open. I put him over the fence and hope he found his way, far away from the other 17 dogs on my block. Good riddance little bunnies, and good luck.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Worst animal owner/lover ever.
I also mowed this past week on the one day I didn't work and it wasn't raining. Unfortunately I uncovered a bunny hole that had 7 teeny tiny baby bunnies in it. Yes, they are cute and yes, I felt bad. But the damn bunny had it's babies in MY backyard that always has at least three dogs in it. To make it worse, she even had it in the perimeter of Tess's runner. Really?!?!?! Now I asked around and got many opinions, one was to leash walk my dogs until the bunnies are old enough. Well I have a fenced in backyard for a reason, so NO. I did offer to put a box over the hole with an entrance for momma bunny to come in but I was told that a rabbit would never go into the hole, it would be too scared. Well she had the babies with three dogs, isn't that scary??? My solution? I put an egg crate over it and will uncover it at night. That kept phoebe out of it, however did not keep Dudley peeing on or in the bunny hole. FAIL.
Now my last, most brutal and smelly reminder. I worked late last night, my days are long anyways but this day was 3 extra hours long. I felt horrible for my pups and it sucks that I don't have someone who I can trust to let the dogs out in situations like this. Not that I don't trust the people, I don't trust Tess with the people. There are VERY few people that she will even acknowledge and that is after lots of barking and still various places to run to. I played with them, fed them, loved them and then passed out from exhaustion. I woke up early, thanks to them and the open windows + the garbage truck, and fed them went back to bed only to wake up to find Dudley had peed on various places all over the living room. I think this is his passive agressive (all passive no agressive) way to tell me he is mad. Also as soon as the dogs ate last night, Tess was sure to move out of her kennel taking her rawhide with her saying "no way lady, you left me in there too long." Ugh. I know we will all get on the same page soon, eventually after some carpet cleaning and extra lovin. But it just goes to show that vet techs love our job so much that often when we are busy helping your pets, ours get neglected (at least in their eyes).
And don't even get me started on Phoebe and her pelvic bladder. Can you say sewing project for puppy panties?
I did notice some things that I haven't noticed before. I feel good. Yep I am tired, and sometimes a little congested (but who isn't) but I have not had a bad stomach issue or back issue in a very long time. Of course, I just jinxed myself but it makes me feel good to know that I am back on a good track. I do get the random unexplained injuries from scratches, bites, and those oddly placed bruises but no limiting back pain. Hooray for me, bad for my chiropractor. But hey I kept him in business for a good 2-3 years.
It was a scary step and I do miss my friends that I use to see every day. But all in all I love my job. I will try to be a better pet owner but as far as the bunnies, well, they are on their own.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Happy Easter!
It leaves "eggs" in the yard, just ask my dad, he is very good at finding the special easter eggs plus
Happy Easter everyone!!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
This week was the first set of severe storms. I toyed with the idea of taking Phoebe to work with me since she has developed a completely irrational fear of storms out of the blue. But the guilt of leaving the other dogs here and a tornado taking my house stomped that one out. After a tornado warning, some rough winds, and severe lightning, I came home to find the house and dogs in one piece. I thought everyone did well but I noticed that after I fed the dogs that Dudley immediately wound up on my bed snoring which is what he did all the next day. Maybe he did spend a lot of the night comforting phoebe. I will never know. Well I am going to end this blog with one of the more depressing things I was told at work. I was leaving and I said "See ya tomorrow" and was corrected with "it is never see ya tomorrow, it is see you later today." Very true when working nights.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Happy 100th Blog!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Staff meetings, what a novel idea!
Monday, March 28, 2011
A life with Tess
It's been awhile...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Unfamiliar territory...yet so familiar
Now it is time to sit and wait, and hope, my tv can be fixed. I was watching the soup on friday night when the tv turned off. Not just any tv, but the BIG tv, my pride and joy, the monstrosity that is maybe just a wee too big for my living room. My first thought was "AHHHH my dvr'd shows are gone!" See logic didn't set it that 1.) dvr separate from tv and 2.) the power didn't go out, the tv did. After a lot of phone calls to my dad, a round of flashlight fun that included Dudleys help and two barking girls, an some frantic internet searching I found a "repair kit" that should fix it. Now the repair kit scares me because it seems quite in depth, comes with an instructional CD, and recommends having a fire extinguisher handy as well as an old priest and a young priest, a stuffed buffalo, and a rubber mallet. Okay, so maybe just the cd part is true, I guess we will just have to wait and see. Until then I will continue to strain my eyes by watching my tiny flat screen set upon the giant tv.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My Week in Pictures
She has very intense eyes that can be a little intimidating but all in all she was very patient with us. I am sure other things happened this past week but I have little recollection of the rest of the week because it was a wee bit hectic and is followed up by me acquiring the crud again. Gotta love working in a petri dish....
Saturday, February 26, 2011
New steps and hard decisions
Friday, February 25, 2011
My big ears....yep they are huge
My temper....if you haven't seen it yet, consider yourself lucky
My mean streak...see above
My soft many pets do I have and what is each one's sob story?
The difference between me and dad is that he likes the movie Dumbo and I hate it, but that is because of a horrible experience thanks to dad and tom, and mom abandoning me in their company.
Also I really hope I get the aging gene from my mom, her hair doesn't gray, it gets darker and she does not look her age at all. My dad doesn't look his age either but unfortunately he has the gray gene.
I tend to think my brother has more of my mom's side of the family genes. He can bargain anyone out of anything, he knows a little bit of useful knowledge about anything, he can pick at you until you want to smack him, and he can control his emotions a lot better than I can. Now both Tom and I have what my mom calls the "peterson walk," which dad claims is from having one leg shorter than the other. We all love music and the crude sense of humor, well I don't know where it comes from but we all have it, which is why I will never, EVER, bring anyone home. All in all I think we are both a good mashup of each side of the family, except my temper gets me to in trouble more than I would like to many roommates have I had? But I keep in touch with most of them and in my defense, my first one was a little crazy.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I am a snob
Well I was happy to leave work early to come home and type the Hospital Safety Manual on my computer and not the janky one at I get to wear my jammies pants. I guess I am a snob about a lot of things....I like my own bed, my own shower, my own house, my own tv (because of cable and my dvr), my own car, my favorite hoodie, plus my own dogs and my own cats. Oh and my own phone....yep it is pretty much about me and MY stuff. Add to the need of MY things and not feeling too well because of stress, I had a rough day. But now that I am comfy in my comfy pants, feeling successful having completing the Manual (except for some minor additions and changes) and waiting for the Community to come on, I am feeling a little more at ease...that is until Phoebe peed on me. Then I had to change into different comfy pants and throw the Snuggie down the laundry shoot. All in all, I am a snob, I love my stuff.