Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My life is a sit-com?

Not really. My dad always accuses me and my brother of watching too much tv, quoting too many movie/tv quotes, and speaking our own language. All of which may be a little bit true. We do speak our own language and we do know how to finish a lot of lines. Like if I were to say "harses, harses, harses, harses" he would be sure to sing Jingle Bells. Why? If you don't know then you really, I mean really need to watch Sleepless in Seattle.
One of my all time favorite shows is Scrubs. Sometimes I feel like I am in it. I work nights so things tend to be a little more......crazy. Goofy. Random. And I think to myself (in a totally JD head tilting way) that this scenario should totally be on an episode of Scrubs. I even have a group of friends (that do watch it) and our meetings are referred to as the Brain Trust. There is no evil Janitor, no rambling mean resident, *at least not rambling and no chief who has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap, but most of the time, amongst the chaos, there is laughs and shenanigans. Friendships are built that are hard to explain. In fact, this whole blog seems a little obsolete. Maybe there is too much in my head that hasn't come out. I guess I would rather my life be more like Scrubs then Sex and the City these days. I may continue to use random quotes that confuse people like "why does an hen need a banjo?" and "isn't that the giant pickle on the crap sandwhich that is my day." I may continue to think in my head and overanalyze every situation. And I will continue to speak our language with my brother. In fact, I do plan on passing this language down to little Bootsy or Jaco.
So to answer the question of this blog my life a sit-com? No, but sometimes all you can do is laugh because if you don't, the next option is crying. In high stress situations, sometimes those are the only two emotions you got.

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