Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two steps forward, three steps back...

And not the Paula Abdul song.
That was my facebook post today. It seems like everytime I get ahead I end up turning right back around again. Mostly it is with Tess. Everytime I think we have made a major breakthrough I find her eating caulk which I can only assume she dug out of the open window this afternoon. Or the fact that she no longer jumps the baby gates, she goes underneath them. See at night I put a gate up in the hall to limit the pups access to two bedrooms, I adjust the gate so that the cats can climb under it (since Chaplin is getting older and arthritic). Well apparently now, no matter how low it is, I always find Tess happily on the other side, then she crawls underneath and comes to poke me to remind me to get up. Lovely.
The story of Tess just re-enforces the fact that I can talk myself into or out of anything. I had fallen in love with Tess (pro for getting her), Phoebe hated her the first night(con for getting her), I couldn't afford another dog hence adoption fee (con). This is where I gave myself the price ultimatum. I told myself if the adoption fee is $20 or less I would get her since Phoebe was now BFF with Tess. What was the adoption fee???? Zero. Crap. Now I have a pretty, sweet dog who is pretty much scared of everything. I guess Karma is just giving my dues since Dudley, Sam and Deli were all the best.dogs.ever. It is a skill really to be able to talk myself into anything or out of anything. See I could justify to myself right now on why I need a kitten: Chaplin is getting older, in fact the age difference between him and Lola is ten years. Lola will be heartbroken when Chaplin dies and do I really want to deal with Kittendom in 10+ years?? I mean we have all these kittens coming into the clinic that REALLY need homes. Now as all of you are cursing at my thought process and saying "she definitely doesn't need another pet right now!" I can tell you that my counter argument is much more persuasive....I don't need another kitten right now and if I think I do I can a.) Go into my Nightmare room and hear the glass breaking and my tears hitting the floor as the imaginary kitten breaks my hard earned collectibles and b.) Phoebe killed like 7 bunnnies last summer....bunnies/kittens...not that different. Blood is a lot harder to get out of the carpet than dog I hear. If you have any hard decisions, come find me, I can argue either point.
This totally sucks when it comes to me, myself, making important decisions which is why I usually rely on a great focus group: Faughn, Mandy, Leah, Tom & Julie (though Tom was opposed to Tess and is threatening to put me on Animal Hoarding), and my parents. A great, well rounded, brutally honest focus group. Okay the brutally honest part just pertains to Faughn, no offense though, Faughn got me through some possibly detrimental prom dress decisions...I think the phrase was "take it off, you look like a waif." But hey, what are BFFs for?

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