Things have been pretty hectic around here lately, but the thing that pisses me off the most is the people that live behind me. They have kids, I am not sure how many, but they let their kids come right up to the fence and try to pet the dogs. Well Phoebe (aka dipshit, to be explained later) hates these kids, so I am always blatantly aware of when they are harassing the dogs. Tonight I heard Phoebe's "Oh my Gosh these teacup humans are going to beat me senseless" bark I knew they were out there. What do I find?? Eight kids lined up at the fence along with THEIR MOTHER encouraging them to try and pet the dogs. Now, mind you, there is an extra dog in the mix, one that is also barking. What part of "dogs barking and running" makes you think it is a good idea to try and pet them when the owner is not out there??? I watched all this go one from the window before I called the dogs in. I should have went out there but I am afraid that my conversation would have started "listen bitch, WTF?" I love kids, therefore I didn't. It's not the kids fault that their parents are idiots. All I know is if I had done that as a child, my parents would have kicked my ass.

The explanation about Phoebe aka dipshit. Phoebe chases insects, any type, stinging, biting, poisionous, carnivorous, supernatural...you get the point. The damn dog is fearless. My vaccuum cleaner now makes a rattly sound because she had a hold of the front guard and wouldn't let go. So she comes inside Sunday morning looking rather pink and kinda itchy, I chalk it up to a sunburn and give her some benadryl. I look at her again and her eyes are getting puffy.Hmmm....I text Emily to see if I can take her to the clinic and give her injectable diphenhydramine since she is starting to look uncomfortable. She says sure and when I look over at Phoebe I can see her nose enlarge in front of my eyes. That is when I threw her in the car and got her to the clinic (didn't set the alarm off, yah for me) and gave her two shots. What did the vet tell me?? Take a picture of Phoebe that way I can remind Phoebe of how much of an idiot she is. I think it is a good idea, but just in case that doesn't work, I got spare drugs now. Why is she a dipshit?? Because sunday afternoon she was still chasing bees.
Well enjoy the pictures of Tess. She is starting to fit in. Dudley is teaching her the ropes and even letting her sleep in my room at night. Dudley has only let one other adult dog in the room and that was Leah's dog Maddie. Dudley has the hugest crush on Maddie. Maddie is kind of a scaredy cat and Dudley is a bully with his toys but he even let Maddie take a toy away from him one time. He loves her. I hope Madd
ie's feelings aren't hurt. Maybe this is just a brotherly/sisterly love with Tess. Here is a picture of Tess helping Dudley keep an eye on the neighborhood.
Well I must go, maybe the kids are finally inside and the dogs can putter aroud the yard in peace. Have a good one!
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