Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday, already?? Damn.

Well it has been a whirlwind weekend, but I must say I enjoyed most of it...though my digestive system is totally hating me at the moment.
Last time I was on here, I believe it was directed to most of the asshats that I work with (thank you Jen Lancaster!). Still the same sentiment towards them but after an evening of sophisticated drinking (snort) and a good weekend with friends, I am a bit perkier though slightly dehydrated.
Friday was the fabulous MedInst dinner. I begged new Mike (NM) to go with me, okay, politely asked, and old Mike (OM) was going too. SO I shower, find Phoebe eating the selected shoes, find new shoes, ask neighbors if they can see through my dress and head to Harrys. We decided that the pain of dressing up would be suitably medicated by attending Harrys prior to cocktails at the dinner. It did. 1 captain and coke down. Get to dinner, meet or re-meet tons of people, 2 captain and cokes down. I say re-meet because I am not sure how many of them actually recognized me when I am not standing in the corner, in scrubs, hovering over an anesthesia machine. Eat dinner, split deserts though I got the majority of the crappy one, see some un-necessary PDA, long speeches, recognized and humiliated (only inwardly though since no one knows the entire situation), glass of wine down. Free chair, woohoo! Head to Harrys. 3rd captain and coke down plus Harry's hummer. Ask NM if he wants a hummer when ordering the shots...he he he. Woops! Leave Harrys, go to Jakes, realize that I am over-dressed and by over-dressed I was wearing TOO MUCH CLOTHING in my sun dress. Yikes. Grab a hot dog and leave. That was my friday night.
Saturday I had to work at the clinic and blessedly did not have to go into Purdue. WOOHOO!! I took a nap and went to Emily's, hung out and had awesome food and played my first game of cornholio. Lime Captain and coke, delicious! Great night with some old and new friends. I definitely got my mind eased realizing that I am not the only one that seems to be in the middle of a personal shit storm.
This morning I unfortunately had to work again (and again this afternoon) but got to hang out with Leah and Kevin and the bestest kids all day after Mexican for lunch (stomach officially hating me now).
My house is still dirty, my laundry is clean but not put away, and my lawn is mowed (most by Kevin, finished by me). Now I SHOULD be cleaning the kitchen or finding food (soooo not hungry), or finish addressing these packages to mail tomorrow but decided I would babble on here instead. I know i have a tiring week ahead of me full of late surgery days and early mornings and I really have no peace in waiting for the weekend because I know I work saturday and will probably end up working sunday. But maybe I can start the week smiling, or slightly disturbed depending on how True Blood is tonight.

1 comment:

  1. That's my girl! Personal shit storms may come and go but asking your neighbors if they can see thru your dress is priceless!
