Wanna know my theory? Since my c-diff has gone so long untreated it can cause abscesses in the intestines. These abscesses are not being penetrated by the antibiotics, hence me not getting better. Everytime one of said abscesses burst, I get the severe stomach pain, high fever, and poo razor blades. This lasts approximately 2 days. The thought of pus filled pockets in my intestines is rather gross but at this point, anything that includes a diagnosis will make me feel better. Yes, I am one of those people my doctor hates because of my theories.
So if any of you readers out there come up with a better diagnosis or a correct one, you win cleaning my house! It is disgusting. Seriously, I just had the energy to shower for the first time in three days and I am exhausted. EXHAUSTED. The only way I was able to run Phoebe to the vet yesterday was because I was running on pure adrenaline. I seriously thought she was dying. Muscous membranes the color of paper, not a good thing. She is fine, kinda lethargic and has been snuggling with me all day...probably because of the heat I am radiating.
Emily said when I called "why is she bringing her in, she doesn't even like that dog" and yes, that was true at one time. I was looking for a replacement for Sam and Deli, they were the wonderful dogs that made me like small dogs. I am never going to find those dogs again, but I do love Phoebe. She has dug, wiggled, tornadic-ed (new word) her way into my heart. She is not Deli, nor Sammy, not even a mini version of Dudley. She is my comedian and sweetheart and inadvertant trouble maker...and she is mine...for a long time I hope. Now enough sappy rambling.
I am scheduled for a colonscopy in a week, woohoo. I am actually rather excited to get some answers. If you have never had one, this pretty much sums it up: Enjoy!

I so hope you get some answers soon!