Mowed the lawn that is....yesterday. It is the little things in life.
Well my refrigerator is stocked for either a helluva frat party or for the prep for my proceduce. Unfortunately it is the latter. It is busting at the seams with jello and gatorade. Plus the jello is on the top shelf so when you open it, the light casts a pretty rainbow color. Did I mention it is the little things?
Not much new on this end. Finally down to the finals days of the countdown to my procedure. I can't believe how excited I am to get this done, get answers, and to move on with my life (while enjoying it!) I am just hoping I get some answers that will give me a clear path as to what to do with my job. I love the job, I really do, but the coworkers are really sucking ass right now (sorry dad).
So when I am stressed, I clean, and when I am going to have company, I clean. (The week of Tom's procedure I hand scrubbed the kitchen floor with a sponge.) Therefore my house is spotless at 8pm on a saturday night. Now it use to be my brother and my theory that getting as little sleep as possible prior to the procedure helps you embrace the drug haze and therefore have a great nap and no awareness as to what is happening to you. Unfortunately, I have nothing else to do, I mean there are plenty of things I could do like clean out some closets and clean my car, but I am lacking the motivation (see title of blog). So I may just watch movies or torture my animals some more.

He's a sheep, actually a big dumb dog dressed as a sheep. He doesn't care one bit which makes it even more hilarious. Well enough rambling on my end. I am sure there will be plenty of more rambling this dum dum.
Glad you are feeling up to doing some of those fun house things. :o) Will be praying that you get answers next week.
ReplyDeleteThat is why we didn't invite you for lunch today. I guess we could have invited you to the zoo though. Sorry. That would have worn you out.