I just returned today from an early Thanksgiving with the fam. We have a lot to give thanks for this year. Tom has successfully completed chemo and is hoping to get a clean bill of health today, grandma is home and driving everyone crazy, I found a new wonderful job, and the fact that we could be together near the holidays. This year has been rough for all of us. In the midst of this years madness, not only did I acquire the new rescue dog Tess but Tom and Julie also acquired a very scared basenji who I did not get to meet due to my banishment from the compound during chemo.
Here is the story of her rescue: http://www.ottaray.com/PICDog/wimauma/index.html

I thought I had my hands full with Tess, I can definitely give them credit for their poor dog. She makes Tess look like Dudley. (Okay if you have met my dogs, you would totally understand that comparison.) My favorite thing about Daisy is her wonderful wrinkly forehead and her gorgeous eyes.
She is also quite a bit, um, buffer than Benny. Benny is a handsome stream-lined boy and Daisy is like Benny on steroids.
Her feet are huge, her booty is huge, her ears are huge.
But Daisy has found a wonderful home with people who love her.

Our weekend was full of good times including harassing Phoebe by putting her in her new Halloween costume, which btw, best. halloween costume. EVER.
For some reason when we put it on her at bloomfield, she felt the need to do Hippo 500 laps around the house which caused most of the other dogs to chase. I was actually able to get a photo of her in it here at my house, maybe because she was too pooped from the weekend. All in all I chalk it up to a wonderful weekend full of good food and family and LOTS O'Dogs. Tess even managed to stay calm on the car ride sans drugs. Whew, just another thing to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

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