Hope this finds everyone well on the way into a great 2011. Me, myself, had a bit of a rocky start to the New year (thank you stomach flu) but am now on the road to recovery with my gatorade and crackers. I have come to the realization that I am old. I just don't handle things as well as I use to. My first example, or should I say, red flag, was my trip to and from Missouri. I use to pride myself on the ability to stay awake immobile for long periods of time especially when I have good music to listen to or someone to talk to (here is where my brother is begging to differ, well ya know what Tom, I also didn't eat handfuls of chocolate chips for breakfast). Anyhoo, I noticed for the first time on the trips both to and fro that I was struggling to stay awake. Good music..check. Alone in the car so I could sing along...check. Two healthy dogs that could adjust to temperature fluctuations...check. Yet I found myself check the hours/miles/rest stops to when I could make it home. I was even having to limit my caffeine intake because 1.) it wasn't working and 2.) I just had to pee more. Yikes.
Example numeral dos and three. For New Years we decided to celebrate this craptastic year of 2010 leaving by attending 80s prom.
Lovely! Great idea! We had a blast, see attached pic (which also inspired my New Years resolution to be addressed in a later blog).
Well, by golly, not only did I rally (very proud since we were with a, ahem, younger generation) but I stayed up way past midnight. We went to a bar following prom and continued to party, er, babysit, er, observe again the younger crowd. Yep I was feeling old but nothing new, I was drunk and happy. Yeah, not only did the multiple captain and cokes KEEP ME AWAKE for 8hours when I got home but then it took me TWO DAYS to recover. These are my two points. I remember studying for finals in the dorms drinking Water Joe (sing sloppy joe song here inputing the words Water Joe) and then immediately fall asleep. I never use to have to monitor my caffeine intake. Now, I am cautious if I get a Den pop after 2pm. Especially going out to eat in the evening on a work night, water please, no caffeine. Yep, I said work night. *sigh* Then TWO DAYS to recover, seriously?!?!? I didn't drink THAT much. But yet I didn't shower until sometime sunday afternoon, finally feeling humanish. Wowser. Not cool. So, the moral of this story is that I am old, if I drink plan at least two days to recover, and limit caffeine intake....oh and no long drives. Damn.

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