Well as I am writing this I am listening to the interview of my brother by a radio station called Naked Church. When mom and dad told me about the interview and the website, I made darn sure to write the address down correctly (for obvious reasons)....of course that piece of paper got eaten and I had to call mom again today to get the address. As I am listening to this, I realize how much of an inspiration my brother is, not only to me but to others. I have always looked up to him, as a little sister would. Granted he pulled the typical big brother stunts like " I dare you to smash up all the black snakes... (ya know the fireworks, the little black pill that you light)" or "You know what would be really fun? cleaning my room." But there were also the times that he would stop at the gas station and pick me up a new california raisin or when he moved away, he would allow his little fat sister come up to visit, no matter how embarassing I was. Now we still bicker but we also have fun in the end, on vacations, at home, anywhere. He is a great brother, one of the best. Listening to this interview I realize how much I completely and totally look up to him. He has survived, with the help of my wonderful SIL's support, and come out to be a point of support to others. He tells it how it is, he is honest, he will tell you "yep, at this point it really really sucked." But that is what people need, people need the honesty. Between his blog and the recent book he had me read (Cancer on $5 a day, not including chemo), it helped me understand the plethora of emotions that he experienced. Yet he is always the one to put a smile on your face. So I guess this is just a sappy ode to my brother. Tom, you are the greatest and I love you. 

Us at Jaco's grave. Apparently if I have a little niece or nephew, this is his or her's namesake.
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