What a week!! I am sure everyone is waiting to hear what happened on monday, well nothing I wasn't prepared for. I actually talked to a HR person monday morning who comforted me about my meeting in the afternoon. I also had a meeting with said HR person yesterday regarding maybe finding a new job. I think it is time for a change. Enough of this career mid-life crisis BS, I am going to find myself something that makes me truly happy. The HR person has hooked me up with an employee relations person to help me look. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job. My job. But there are many other aspects and people that make a job. When you spend more time at your job than anywhere else, then you need to be happy a majority of the time. So a change it is. I already have a few leads and it makes me hopeful. That is the path I am on, yes I am terrified of the journey, but I got tons of support from friends and family and of course the big guy upstairs (we have been talking a lot).
Now on to some other subjects. I was perusing some pics on facebook and got hit with a tidal wave of nostalgia. I saw pics of people that I use to spend just about everyday with, that were huge aspects in my life, and it seems like it was FOREVER ago. It makes me sad. I hate not keeping in touch with people who you truly had some great times with, but I know I am mostly to blame, I am horrible about keeping in touch. But sometimes, I just wish, I could go back and do it all over again. I could keep those promises about calling, visiting, keeping in touch, the phone call ending with love you, the idea to get married if we ever hit 30 and were still single. Back then it seemed impossible than I would still be single at 30 much less 30+. But, hey, shit happens I guess. Win some, lose some. Wasn't meant to be. .Insert other useless cliches here that are supposedly to help make you feel better. It just sucks.
But onto my other vice. I started watching Weeds. Love.it. I was very apprehensive at first. I thought it was just about a bunch of stoners, and well, when you lived it and got out of it, then it isn't so appealing. But I must admit, totally blew me away (no pun intended). Great spin on the idea, why oh why, showtime, do I doubt you? You, nor HBO, have never led me astray. Yes, you make a great dent in my budget, but totally worth it. I mean, True Blood Season 3 is proof enough that HBO is pure genius. Same said for Dexter and Showtime. I will never doubt you again. Well peace out folks. I must go referee the chaos that is my house.
I am always told I should write a book about everything that happens in my life... I never got around to it.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Struggling....so struggling.
There has been a lot on my plate lately. I have been juggling money woes, work, illness, and snotty co-workers. Sometimes it just plain sucks to be single and alone. Usually being single doesn't bother me, but it is when shit piles on that I sometimes wish that i had someone to share the stress with. I mean, I can tell Dudley (he is the most understanding) but a lick in the face and a big black paw that smells like fritos doesn't put money in the bank....it does make me smile though.
So I have another "meeting" on monday. I am afraid this maybe it, which I don't quite understand since work is the place that I keep contracting this dreaded illness, can they really fire me for that? See, I get this funk called c-diff which is most commonly in elderly nursing home patients, since I am not that, I guess my digestive system has a personal vendetta against me and uses every opportunity to make my life a living hell. It is common in animal feces, and well in my profession, I can honestly say when something tastes like shit, I do have experience on what shit tastes like. It is inevitable to get the flying poo from cleaning a room, run, or kennel in the mouth. So, when most people can fight off the infection, my body thinks it is a great idea to invite it in and let it vacation for awhile. There is not rhyme or reason except that my body sucks. But it is a very debilitating condition, you get dehydrated quickly and then the whole body shuts down, not to mention the constant visits to the loo. I can't take any immodium because we actually want my body to rid of this foreign visitor so I have to suffer through it. Try explaining that with dignity to co-workers. Doesn't. Happen. geez I hate my life.
So that was friday, again spent most of the evening in a stupor. I did get some relief today however. It started with working with some of my favorite homies. We make a great team on saturday and though I went into work in the worst mood ever, I did come out with a smile on my face. I guess it is always good to have options. I guess it was just nice to work in a drama free environment for once in a long time. I know every work place has drama but mine seems to be particularly bad lately. I. Hate. Drama. That is all my life seems to be lately and it is killing me. So all I can say is to send good vibes my way and my brothers way on monday. He lost his job last monday but is interviewing for a new one. I find out at 3:30 what kind of shit I have to put up with now...heh. shit....how true that is.
So I have another "meeting" on monday. I am afraid this maybe it, which I don't quite understand since work is the place that I keep contracting this dreaded illness, can they really fire me for that? See, I get this funk called c-diff which is most commonly in elderly nursing home patients, since I am not that, I guess my digestive system has a personal vendetta against me and uses every opportunity to make my life a living hell. It is common in animal feces, and well in my profession, I can honestly say when something tastes like shit, I do have experience on what shit tastes like. It is inevitable to get the flying poo from cleaning a room, run, or kennel in the mouth. So, when most people can fight off the infection, my body thinks it is a great idea to invite it in and let it vacation for awhile. There is not rhyme or reason except that my body sucks. But it is a very debilitating condition, you get dehydrated quickly and then the whole body shuts down, not to mention the constant visits to the loo. I can't take any immodium because we actually want my body to rid of this foreign visitor so I have to suffer through it. Try explaining that with dignity to co-workers. Doesn't. Happen. geez I hate my life.
So that was friday, again spent most of the evening in a stupor. I did get some relief today however. It started with working with some of my favorite homies. We make a great team on saturday and though I went into work in the worst mood ever, I did come out with a smile on my face. I guess it is always good to have options. I guess it was just nice to work in a drama free environment for once in a long time. I know every work place has drama but mine seems to be particularly bad lately. I. Hate. Drama. That is all my life seems to be lately and it is killing me. So all I can say is to send good vibes my way and my brothers way on monday. He lost his job last monday but is interviewing for a new one. I find out at 3:30 what kind of shit I have to put up with now...heh. shit....how true that is.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Thank you...
Thank you kind doctors for finally give me the metronidazole that I really needed. Thank you for not making me wait for another week for any test results, thank you for not putting my job in jeopardy for making me wait for said results, thank you for hopefully putting me out of my misery very soon and now the biggest thank you of all:
Thank you Rolling Stone for this:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What's in a name?
Since I haven't been feeling well, mentally and physically, I figured I would write about something that usually makes me happy. My kids. I take animal naming very seriously. I have a hard time figuring out what I am going to name them. A name is very important (not as important as a child, heaven forbid when that time comes) but still can make or break an animal. My pocket pets or rodents all have had a theme, rock stars. It started with Aretha the hamster because all she needed was a little respect, and the rest of him went like this...Shaka Kahn, Monty, Simon and Garfunkel, Cecilia, Duffy, Sinead (nude of course), Shakira...well you get the point. So here is a little story behind all of my kids' names.
Chaplin Napoleon. It all started when I worked as a caretaker at Purdue with the research cats. He was three months old and I saw his mustache and said his name should be Chaplin not the given name of Stefan. I love Charlie Chaplin which gave me the idea. Later that week I was told he needed a home because of heart murmur and hence I now own Craplin. His name developed to Craplin because he is a bit of an asshole. But he is my old man and he is definitely NOT a stefan.
Next in age is Dudley Edward. Dudley came with his name from the humane society. It fit so well I couldn't change it. I did add the Edward though. Not after twillight but after the family middle name. Dudley Edward it is!

Next would be miss Lola. I had a hard time naming her because most of the time is was "Get off the curtains!" which developed into Lola get off the curtains to her full name now. Lola Kat Mai. Kat Mai came from Deadliest Catch which I was watching when I first got her, it was a ship that sank but had some survivors. Since she survived being tossed out on 43 in the rain and mud I figured the name fit her.

Phoebe Lynn. No reason to the name Phoebe, I have just always wanted a dog named Phoebe. Lynn is my middle name so I had to carry on the family tradition.

Now the newest which is Tess Marie. Her original name was Missy which is the dog form of a stripper name and I just couldn't handle. Back when I was young and had the wishful thinking of someday owning a Bernese Mountain Dog (which meant having a buttload of spare cash) I wanted a female Berner. I also loved the movie Ocean's 11. Hence the name Tess. Now knowing that I have the brains not to spend that much money on a Berner we get Tess Marie. Marie is from the F/V Cornelia Marie in honor of Captain Phil. I know I have posted this pic of Tess before but it is really hard to get a good picture of a black dog that is scared of everything.

What we have left is past dogs. Such as Samson Edward and Delilah Sue. I just added the middle names (family name and mom's middle name). They were the best dogs. I miss them every day.

And Pete. Pete not much an original name but he had many other names. Such as Sir Petums of Fluffy Butt, Petros Petros, Pete Moss supermodel, and many other crazy ones. He was also the best dog ever.

And Capricorn. Capricorn was a dog I had for a brief time. He was a lab dog for most of his life and one day he got out of his collar while my dad had him (i was inside using the bathroom) and ran away. He was spotted many times in Bloomfield and my dad spent all summer looking for him. I figure he was made into some farm dog and enjoyed the rest of his life not behind bars but enjoying the outside world. All of Bloomfield was involved in the search of him it seemed. There were many stories claiming he was spotted eating a squirrel, rolling in the grass, wandering down a country road. It is hard for me to accept that he was not terrified but happy. I dont blame my dad at all, but he still blames himself.

Well that's the story. There was Fuzzy that I grew up with but he already existed before I did so I can take zero credit for him.
Hope everyone has a good week!
Chaplin Napoleon. It all started when I worked as a caretaker at Purdue with the research cats. He was three months old and I saw his mustache and said his name should be Chaplin not the given name of Stefan. I love Charlie Chaplin which gave me the idea. Later that week I was told he needed a home because of heart murmur and hence I now own Craplin. His name developed to Craplin because he is a bit of an asshole. But he is my old man and he is definitely NOT a stefan.

Next would be miss Lola. I had a hard time naming her because most of the time is was "Get off the curtains!" which developed into Lola get off the curtains to her full name now. Lola Kat Mai. Kat Mai came from Deadliest Catch which I was watching when I first got her, it was a ship that sank but had some survivors. Since she survived being tossed out on 43 in the rain and mud I figured the name fit her.

Phoebe Lynn. No reason to the name Phoebe, I have just always wanted a dog named Phoebe. Lynn is my middle name so I had to carry on the family tradition.

Now the newest which is Tess Marie. Her original name was Missy which is the dog form of a stripper name and I just couldn't handle. Back when I was young and had the wishful thinking of someday owning a Bernese Mountain Dog (which meant having a buttload of spare cash) I wanted a female Berner. I also loved the movie Ocean's 11. Hence the name Tess. Now knowing that I have the brains not to spend that much money on a Berner we get Tess Marie. Marie is from the F/V Cornelia Marie in honor of Captain Phil. I know I have posted this pic of Tess before but it is really hard to get a good picture of a black dog that is scared of everything.

What we have left is past dogs. Such as Samson Edward and Delilah Sue. I just added the middle names (family name and mom's middle name). They were the best dogs. I miss them every day.

And Pete. Pete not much an original name but he had many other names. Such as Sir Petums of Fluffy Butt, Petros Petros, Pete Moss supermodel, and many other crazy ones. He was also the best dog ever.
And Capricorn. Capricorn was a dog I had for a brief time. He was a lab dog for most of his life and one day he got out of his collar while my dad had him (i was inside using the bathroom) and ran away. He was spotted many times in Bloomfield and my dad spent all summer looking for him. I figure he was made into some farm dog and enjoyed the rest of his life not behind bars but enjoying the outside world. All of Bloomfield was involved in the search of him it seemed. There were many stories claiming he was spotted eating a squirrel, rolling in the grass, wandering down a country road. It is hard for me to accept that he was not terrified but happy. I dont blame my dad at all, but he still blames himself.

Well that's the story. There was Fuzzy that I grew up with but he already existed before I did so I can take zero credit for him.
Hope everyone has a good week!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Well my parents just left after visiting this weekend. They decided to come up and meet the new grand-dog. Things went well even though Tess scaled the compound effortlessly when all of us were out there. (I am sure my dad had a flash back moment of when Capricorn got loose and was never to be found again.) But I didn't panic, this being her third time and all, I know she doesn't cross roads and she eventually comes back. She was soo spooked though that we finally had to open the gate and let her decide to come in herself. But all in all I think she did very well for meeting two new people and a new dog. All the dogs are exhausted now and the fence had some repairs done to it to help deter her. I am still not going to trust her without having her on a runner but in case accidents happen, this should slow her down some...should being the key word.
We had a nice dinner last night, O'Charleys of course and dad enjoyed the multiple channels on the tv. This morning went a little rougher though. First of all, my parents dog, Scout, is a waterholic. He drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks. And my dogs have three water bowls in the kitchen alone (they each prefer a different one plus the cats join in). Well after Scout drinks his weight in water he decides to piss all over my living room and back porch. This irritates me to no end. I HATE male dogs for the very reason of the pissing. Dudley will get mad and pee on things but Scout is all about the marking. Now my back porch reeks of urine and I need to shampoo my carpet. So this morning I was yelling at Scout to cut him off from drinking so much water when dad gets his panties in a bunch for me yelling at his perfect dog. Things seem to have gone downhill from there. He didn't realize I was upset that Scout pissed on everything....ummm...hello?? I mean, Scout peed on my brand new couch...twice....the weekend I got it. This peeing thing is getting old. Not to mention that I always fear that Dudley will feel the need to remark everything but I think even Dudley is getting tired of this nonsense. I thought things were smoothed over after breakfast and fence fixing until me and Mom return from shopping. Now granted we sometimes take a long time shopping, but this is a back to school weekend and BGR so we don't linger at department stores long. Especially after church getting out time. So we were back pretty speedy to find solemn Bob. I first thought we woke him up, then I thought he ran across something like my bills or cocaine (seriously that is how guilty I feel) or a dead body. But he said he was fine, ate lunch and then he seemed to literally run for the door. They couldn't get out of her fast enough or at least dad couldn't. I know he is stressed from all the situations in Missouri right now, I think we all are, but I can help but have an uneasy feeling. What the hell happened?
We had a nice dinner last night, O'Charleys of course and dad enjoyed the multiple channels on the tv. This morning went a little rougher though. First of all, my parents dog, Scout, is a waterholic. He drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks. And my dogs have three water bowls in the kitchen alone (they each prefer a different one plus the cats join in). Well after Scout drinks his weight in water he decides to piss all over my living room and back porch. This irritates me to no end. I HATE male dogs for the very reason of the pissing. Dudley will get mad and pee on things but Scout is all about the marking. Now my back porch reeks of urine and I need to shampoo my carpet. So this morning I was yelling at Scout to cut him off from drinking so much water when dad gets his panties in a bunch for me yelling at his perfect dog. Things seem to have gone downhill from there. He didn't realize I was upset that Scout pissed on everything....ummm...hello?? I mean, Scout peed on my brand new couch...twice....the weekend I got it. This peeing thing is getting old. Not to mention that I always fear that Dudley will feel the need to remark everything but I think even Dudley is getting tired of this nonsense. I thought things were smoothed over after breakfast and fence fixing until me and Mom return from shopping. Now granted we sometimes take a long time shopping, but this is a back to school weekend and BGR so we don't linger at department stores long. Especially after church getting out time. So we were back pretty speedy to find solemn Bob. I first thought we woke him up, then I thought he ran across something like my bills or cocaine (seriously that is how guilty I feel) or a dead body. But he said he was fine, ate lunch and then he seemed to literally run for the door. They couldn't get out of her fast enough or at least dad couldn't. I know he is stressed from all the situations in Missouri right now, I think we all are, but I can help but have an uneasy feeling. What the hell happened?
Friday, August 13, 2010
To reiterate my lack of life...
I am going to comment on some of my favorite TV shows. See I didn't have any procedures to do today, so I spent a lot of time in the office filing and thinking (and listening to Pandora). Here are some of my thoughts as pointless as they maybe....and I am procrastinating (gasp!) from cleaning the house. The parents are coming tomorrow to meet their new grandkid...who has been awfully bad by escaping the compound in 0.2sec this afternoon. I am kinda feeling defeated about it because I want her to be able to run around but I can't afford a new fence, so I guess runner it is. Makes me sad. But again I stray...back to the pointless thoughts at hand.
I for some reason can't remember that Project Runway has started again! I remember friday afternoon and it isn't on again until the wee hours on saturday. So then I set my DVR and look forward to watching it on Sunday. Still friday nights are my nights to catch up on DVR'd shows from the week.
I have to say that I am a little disappointed of the results from SYTYCD. I think Lauren was a good dancer but Kent totally deserved it. I am sure the judges are kicking themselves for saying how much she has matured after her little display when she won last night. I mean what do you really win?? How many of the SYTYCD winners have you heard about post-show. She is going to be on a gatorade bottle? Woohoo, now boys can stay hydrated when staring at her. I was going to make that comment much more vulgar but I will leave it at that and your imaginations...or their imaginations. Gah. Kent was robbed!
Real Housewives of NJ: Danielle-that bitch is CRAZY! Not much else to say.
Jersey Shore: If I HAD to choose one, I have to say that Pauly D is kinda cute. The Situation is NOT.
Now my favorite topic: True Blood. This season is totally rocking my socks off. I can't believe there are only four more episodes left...the suspense is killing me! I am one that never thought that I would like a little guy on guy action but Eric and Talbot....that was pretty damn sexy. I will admit it. I am not ashamed and I am sure I am not the only one...actually i know I am not the only one. Me and my SIL text all through the episodes and I believe her reaction was shockingly similar to mine. Damn, there are some fine men on that show. Also I do love Russel, what a great character! It is one of those people you love to hate....like Romano on ER. I just want to know if the Queen Of Lousiana's house is up for sale, cause I want it.
Well that is all for now. My dogs are pouting cause it is hot and I am pouting because I have to clean. Ugh. Some shows to look forward to: The Big C and Dexter.
Oh and I am almost done with House, I should be ready and caught up for the new shows in September. I am a little jealous of House....because 1.) Vicadin made me itch. 2.) how can he get away with grumpy, smartassness (new word), and lack of explanations and it is considered endearing. Totally not fair. I am just considered a bitter bitch...maybe its because the vicadin makes me itch so I can't rely on that. I could try eating darvocet like candy but I think that would be an epic fail. And yes I have a fair amount of experience with both said pain-killers in case you all were wondering. Have a great weekend!
A little picture to hold you over to sunday night: Yes, Eric, it hurts so good.
*As this blog went to press I went down to clean litter boxes. I love how I can tell which one Craplin uses. It is the feline equivalent of a men's room....he is too lazy to flush: In cat terms: He is too lazy to cover his twosies.
I for some reason can't remember that Project Runway has started again! I remember friday afternoon and it isn't on again until the wee hours on saturday. So then I set my DVR and look forward to watching it on Sunday. Still friday nights are my nights to catch up on DVR'd shows from the week.
I have to say that I am a little disappointed of the results from SYTYCD. I think Lauren was a good dancer but Kent totally deserved it. I am sure the judges are kicking themselves for saying how much she has matured after her little display when she won last night. I mean what do you really win?? How many of the SYTYCD winners have you heard about post-show. She is going to be on a gatorade bottle? Woohoo, now boys can stay hydrated when staring at her. I was going to make that comment much more vulgar but I will leave it at that and your imaginations...or their imaginations. Gah. Kent was robbed!
Real Housewives of NJ: Danielle-that bitch is CRAZY! Not much else to say.
Jersey Shore: If I HAD to choose one, I have to say that Pauly D is kinda cute. The Situation is NOT.
Now my favorite topic: True Blood. This season is totally rocking my socks off. I can't believe there are only four more episodes left...the suspense is killing me! I am one that never thought that I would like a little guy on guy action but Eric and Talbot....that was pretty damn sexy. I will admit it. I am not ashamed and I am sure I am not the only one...actually i know I am not the only one. Me and my SIL text all through the episodes and I believe her reaction was shockingly similar to mine. Damn, there are some fine men on that show. Also I do love Russel, what a great character! It is one of those people you love to hate....like Romano on ER. I just want to know if the Queen Of Lousiana's house is up for sale, cause I want it.
Well that is all for now. My dogs are pouting cause it is hot and I am pouting because I have to clean. Ugh. Some shows to look forward to: The Big C and Dexter.
Oh and I am almost done with House, I should be ready and caught up for the new shows in September. I am a little jealous of House....because 1.) Vicadin made me itch. 2.) how can he get away with grumpy, smartassness (new word), and lack of explanations and it is considered endearing. Totally not fair. I am just considered a bitter bitch...maybe its because the vicadin makes me itch so I can't rely on that. I could try eating darvocet like candy but I think that would be an epic fail. And yes I have a fair amount of experience with both said pain-killers in case you all were wondering. Have a great weekend!
A little picture to hold you over to sunday night: Yes, Eric, it hurts so good.

Thursday, August 12, 2010
HOT Hot hot
Damn it's hot. No other way to put it besides now I know what a whore in church feels like. Sweating profusely. We are talking half my body weight drenched here. I know that sounds sexy and all, but sexy is the exact opposite than what i have been feeling today. I am now sitting at my computer, obviously, in shorts and a tank top with the AC blowing on my feet. It is refreshing I must say. Glad I moved my computer desk to enjoy this little luxury. Not only am I sitting here, basking in the AC but my neighbor is mowing my lawn. Yep, I am going to sip on my free McDonalds smoothy and write my pointless blog and listen to the sweet sound of manual labor. I swore I would never let the kid borrow the lawn mower again because it seems to break after everytime he uses it, but in this heat, I am a sucker for free manual labor. Plus I seem to be highly susceptible to the plague which I just got over and hopefully that explains some of the profuse sweating and not the fact that I am a fat ass that drinks smoothies while I make my neighbor mow my lawn.
The plague, well that started sunday. I woke up sunday feeling crappy and decided to baby myself knowing that i really needed to rally on monday. My pampering didn't work out as well as I hoped since Tess decided it would be fun to scale the compound that day. Luckily I caught her. Monday, I woke up with a 104 temp. Yep that was AFTER a cold shower. I give big ups to my friend Jen who saved the day at work that day. I tried to call my boss 4 times (between heaving in the toilet) and never got a hold of him. I eventually called my supervisor, who was more concerned with getting me to a doctor than the fact I wasn't going to be at work. I gave up, hugged the toilet and texted Jen to pass along the message. She did, even though she had to deal with evil death stares doing so. My hands were tied at that point. I feel much better except for the constant feeling of melting inside. That could be the heat or residual fever, who the hell knows.
I wonder why I am sick all the time. I try to eat healthy, as healthy as my stomach will allow me, I exercised (note past tense), and I get plenty of sleep. Throw some multi-vitamins in there and I should be the picture of good health. I don't have kids aka petri dishes,( just kidding :) I don't work with the general public, I wear a surgery mask 65% of the time, but my body just leaps at the chance to make my life miserable. It makes zero sense except for possible poor genes, or bad luck....or both. Maybe I need to increase my fruit intake. Smoothy (smoothie??) scores another point.
Well I got a new doggie niece. Her name is Daisy and I am in love with her wrinkles! I can't wait to meet her. She is a rescue (our pet family is nothing but poor orphan puppies and kitties). So now we have an even number of male and female dogs in the immediate family. Below is my favorite pic of her so far. Probably because of her wrinkles because she looks extremely pathetic in it otherwise. Good luck Daisy! You are in a great home!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Those lazy hazy days of summer....
Well not so lazy. I did get up this morning and yard sale and then worked for a bit. But then I took the worlds best nap this afternoon. It was awesome. My plans for the rest of the night? Probably watch some more house and work on room records. I live on the wild side.
Speaking of the wild side, I went and played Bingo thursday night. I am definitely NOT cut out for that game. I get disappointed too easily. I get my hopes up when I only need one more number and then they all come crashing down when I lose. The thing is, it is purely a game of luck....maybe that is the depressing part. It just reminds me of how horrible my luck really is. If it took any skill than I could always blame my epic failure on my lack of said skill. I really cannot do that with bingo.
I am super excited that I just got a new dog niece. I have been getting pics via mobile and they are adorable! She is a rescue basenji from Florida (not my ideal dog but who am I to talk? I have a jack rat.) She has the wrinkliest (word?) forehead I have ever seen!! My SIL says she is very timid and needs lots of work but I can totally understand. My biggest milestones with Tess are her actually liking to get petted. Sad really. But she is in a good home now. Just when I think we have had a major breakthrough, she won't come in the kitchen because I moved the dog bed to swiffer. Poor thing. Definitely do NOT think she will be ready for the Christmas parade this year. I can't wait for other people to meet her, but she is TERRIFIED of everything. I don't even know what she will do with kids. Soon everyone will get to meet the new family member though.
I feel like I haven't been to work in ages. I have been working, just not in my normal building. I have been working at a different lab for the last three days and even though I come home exhausted, it has been nice. Who's to say what I will return to on monday, but quite frankly, I don't give two shits. And I give shit out pretty easily. ;)
I guess I am thankful that I do have solid people at work that I can count on. It makes me greatful to have those few rocks to help me make it through the day. It sucks to not entirely enjoy the homeys you work with, but at least I have friends close by to come home to. For that, I am eternally thankful.
Yep this has been a rambling message. I blame the fact that my brain is still mush from all the ambient noise that I have to work in when I work at the other building. There are three fume hoods, a ventilated rack, a hair dryer, a drill, an ultrasonic cleaner, and a microCT all running at the same time for 8 hours straight. I come out with my head spinning and a little bit of nystagmus.
Well I must go. My perfect evening of letting the dogs enjoy some decent weather outside has been ruined yet again by the asshats behind me. Someday they will sell that house and hopefully people with sense will move in. I don't think it will be anytime soon with the price they are asking though. grrrr..
Speaking of the wild side, I went and played Bingo thursday night. I am definitely NOT cut out for that game. I get disappointed too easily. I get my hopes up when I only need one more number and then they all come crashing down when I lose. The thing is, it is purely a game of luck....maybe that is the depressing part. It just reminds me of how horrible my luck really is. If it took any skill than I could always blame my epic failure on my lack of said skill. I really cannot do that with bingo.
I am super excited that I just got a new dog niece. I have been getting pics via mobile and they are adorable! She is a rescue basenji from Florida (not my ideal dog but who am I to talk? I have a jack rat.) She has the wrinkliest (word?) forehead I have ever seen!! My SIL says she is very timid and needs lots of work but I can totally understand. My biggest milestones with Tess are her actually liking to get petted. Sad really. But she is in a good home now. Just when I think we have had a major breakthrough, she won't come in the kitchen because I moved the dog bed to swiffer. Poor thing. Definitely do NOT think she will be ready for the Christmas parade this year. I can't wait for other people to meet her, but she is TERRIFIED of everything. I don't even know what she will do with kids. Soon everyone will get to meet the new family member though.
I feel like I haven't been to work in ages. I have been working, just not in my normal building. I have been working at a different lab for the last three days and even though I come home exhausted, it has been nice. Who's to say what I will return to on monday, but quite frankly, I don't give two shits. And I give shit out pretty easily. ;)
I guess I am thankful that I do have solid people at work that I can count on. It makes me greatful to have those few rocks to help me make it through the day. It sucks to not entirely enjoy the homeys you work with, but at least I have friends close by to come home to. For that, I am eternally thankful.
Yep this has been a rambling message. I blame the fact that my brain is still mush from all the ambient noise that I have to work in when I work at the other building. There are three fume hoods, a ventilated rack, a hair dryer, a drill, an ultrasonic cleaner, and a microCT all running at the same time for 8 hours straight. I come out with my head spinning and a little bit of nystagmus.
Well I must go. My perfect evening of letting the dogs enjoy some decent weather outside has been ruined yet again by the asshats behind me. Someday they will sell that house and hopefully people with sense will move in. I don't think it will be anytime soon with the price they are asking though. grrrr..
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Quick tid-bits
*Grandma agreed to rehab/nursing home last night only to argue about it this morning... probably temporary amnesia from the anesthesia. She has agreed again.
* She also had to get two pints of blood today, apparently normal after surgery. She has a broken wrist which they discovered yesterday....which was tuesday. She fell on friday. Way to go physical exam!
*I just spent 2+ hours watching House and organizing room records. First part I don't mind, second part shouldn't be my job....maybe next time I should just "ask nicely." Asshats.
*Why the heck is Phoebe scared of storms??? This only started after the 4th of July when she got scared of the fireworks. Thank goodness I didn't have her when I lived on 43. She would have had a heart attack on the 4th. Dudley, however, loves storms. They are a giant sprinkler/light show.
*And finally, ugh. I am still mentally confused about my ass showing experience but there is nothing I can do about it now and there is a little thing called sleeping pills which makes the guilt dissappear every night. Yay.
Now off to catch up on SYTYCD. I love my DVR.
Enjoy the pic of Tess and Phoebe bonding. It was taken last night with my phone. It was the only picture taking device I had handy and I knew if I moved I would miss the moment. It is crappy quality but you get the sentiment.

Monday, August 2, 2010
Stupid internal filter
Or lack thereof. Apparently today is a good day to open mouth and insert foot because I am an asshole. I guess instead of being pissed about the whole situation I can look at it one of two ways. 1.) I just learned humility. Not that I needed to learn that, I humiliate myself a lot. or 2.) Well that takes care of that problem, don't need to find a way to address that tactfully. Maybe I will take away a little of both. I also got a small dose of "don't trust anyone, because they will step on you to make others happy." Good to know. So maybe the whole situation doesn't only upset me because it will also give some people another reason to hate me, but it also opened my eyes to what I feared was going to happen, just didn't think it would happen so soon. So a word of advice kids, "it's a dog eat dog world out there, watch your effing back."
Well grandma got through the surgery okay. She did spend sometime in the PCU but is now back in her regular room. They ended up using lots of plates and screws to fix the femur which makes for a longer recovery period. It also means she is going to have to spend 4-8weeks in a nursing home. This part (the nursing home part) is something that my dad and aunt have yet to tell grandma. See I was rather concerned when my dad called me this afternoon because he was acting all shifty and finally he said "there is more to the story, I will fill you in later." My stupid medical brain was thinking "she died on the table! She died on the table and they brought her back!" or other House-induced scenarios. (Once again a shout out to Emily and Amber...stupid show!) After I talked to Mom, she filled me in about the nursing home. Now my grandma is a big, stubborn, old woman (trust me she would find this as a compliment) and she is mean as a snake. She actually knocked my grandpa unconscious when he came home drunk one night. There are several variations of the story, she either hit him with a frying pan or punched him and he hit the stove on his way down, but either way she knocked him out cold and put him in bed. He woke up the next morning, clueless, with a horrible headache. He thought he fell down sometime in the night (not exactly un-true). I am not sure if she ever told him the truth before he died. Anyways, it is that strongwilledness that I would like to achieve, but not actually go against. I think my dad and aunt are hoping there is safety in numbers. I am wishing her a speedy recovery and dad and Linda a little strength in breaking the news. Hopefully tonight I can actually get some sleep. 

Sunday, August 1, 2010
I am sending all my prayers to Missouri today and tomorrow. My grandma tripped and fell on friday and broke her femur above her knee replacement. The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow but it looks like it is going to be much more complicated than originally thought. So dad is there along with his older and younger sister (who don't get along so well) and my cousin. He hopes to come home tomorrow after the surgery. I am concerned because she was originally scheduled for an angioplasty on tuesday until she fell. I guess sometimes a background in medicine isn't always a good idea. Sigh.
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