Or lack thereof. Apparently today is a good day to open mouth and insert foot because I am an asshole. I guess instead of being pissed about the whole situation I can look at it one of two ways. 1.) I just learned humility. Not that I needed to learn that, I humiliate myself a lot. or 2.) Well that takes care of that problem, don't need to find a way to address that tactfully. Maybe I will take away a little of both. I also got a small dose of "don't trust anyone, because they will step on you to make others happy." Good to know. So maybe the whole situation doesn't only upset me because it will also give some people another reason to hate me, but it also opened my eyes to what I feared was going to happen, just didn't think it would happen so soon. So a word of advice kids, "it's a dog eat dog world out there, watch your effing back."
Well grandma got through the surgery okay. She did spend sometime in the PCU but is now back in her regular room. They ended up using lots of plates and screws to fix the femur which makes for a longer recovery period. It also means she is going to have to spend 4-8weeks in a nursing home. This part (the nursing home part) is something that my dad and aunt have yet to tell grandma. See I was rather concerned when my dad called me this afternoon because he was acting all shifty and finally he said "there is more to the story, I will fill you in later." My stupid medical brain was thinking "she died on the table! She died on the table and they brought her back!" or other House-induced scenarios. (Once again a shout out to Emily and Amber...stupid show!) After I talked to Mom, she filled me in about the nursing home. Now my grandma is a big, stubborn, old woman (trust me she would find this as a compliment) and she is mean as a snake. She actually knocked my grandpa unconscious when he came home drunk one night. There are several variations of the story, she either hit him with a frying pan or punched him and he hit the stove on his way down, but either way she knocked him out cold and put him in bed. He woke up the next morning, clueless, with a horrible headache. He thought he fell down sometime in the night (not exactly un-true). I am not sure if she ever told him the truth before he died. Anyways, it is that strongwilledness that I would like to achieve, but not actually go against. I think my dad and aunt are hoping there is safety in numbers. I am wishing her a speedy recovery and dad and Linda a little strength in breaking the news. Hopefully tonight I can actually get some sleep. 

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