*Grandma agreed to rehab/nursing home last night only to argue about it this morning... probably temporary amnesia from the anesthesia. She has agreed again.
* She also had to get two pints of blood today, apparently normal after surgery. She has a broken wrist which they discovered yesterday....which was tuesday. She fell on friday. Way to go physical exam!
*I just spent 2+ hours watching House and organizing room records. First part I don't mind, second part shouldn't be my job....maybe next time I should just "ask nicely." Asshats.
*Why the heck is Phoebe scared of storms??? This only started after the 4th of July when she got scared of the fireworks. Thank goodness I didn't have her when I lived on 43. She would have had a heart attack on the 4th. Dudley, however, loves storms. They are a giant sprinkler/light show.
*And finally, ugh. I am still mentally confused about my ass showing experience but there is nothing I can do about it now and there is a little thing called sleeping pills which makes the guilt dissappear every night. Yay.
Now off to catch up on SYTYCD. I love my DVR.
Enjoy the pic of Tess and Phoebe bonding. It was taken last night with my phone. It was the only picture taking device I had handy and I knew if I moved I would miss the moment. It is crappy quality but you get the sentiment.

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