Chaplin Napoleon. It all started when I worked as a caretaker at Purdue with the research cats. He was three months old and I saw his mustache and said his name should be Chaplin not the given name of Stefan. I love Charlie Chaplin which gave me the idea. Later that week I was told he needed a home because of heart murmur and hence I now own Craplin. His name developed to Craplin because he is a bit of an asshole. But he is my old man and he is definitely NOT a stefan.

Next would be miss Lola. I had a hard time naming her because most of the time is was "Get off the curtains!" which developed into Lola get off the curtains to her full name now. Lola Kat Mai. Kat Mai came from Deadliest Catch which I was watching when I first got her, it was a ship that sank but had some survivors. Since she survived being tossed out on 43 in the rain and mud I figured the name fit her.

Phoebe Lynn. No reason to the name Phoebe, I have just always wanted a dog named Phoebe. Lynn is my middle name so I had to carry on the family tradition.

Now the newest which is Tess Marie. Her original name was Missy which is the dog form of a stripper name and I just couldn't handle. Back when I was young and had the wishful thinking of someday owning a Bernese Mountain Dog (which meant having a buttload of spare cash) I wanted a female Berner. I also loved the movie Ocean's 11. Hence the name Tess. Now knowing that I have the brains not to spend that much money on a Berner we get Tess Marie. Marie is from the F/V Cornelia Marie in honor of Captain Phil. I know I have posted this pic of Tess before but it is really hard to get a good picture of a black dog that is scared of everything.

What we have left is past dogs. Such as Samson Edward and Delilah Sue. I just added the middle names (family name and mom's middle name). They were the best dogs. I miss them every day.

And Pete. Pete not much an original name but he had many other names. Such as Sir Petums of Fluffy Butt, Petros Petros, Pete Moss supermodel, and many other crazy ones. He was also the best dog ever.
And Capricorn. Capricorn was a dog I had for a brief time. He was a lab dog for most of his life and one day he got out of his collar while my dad had him (i was inside using the bathroom) and ran away. He was spotted many times in Bloomfield and my dad spent all summer looking for him. I figure he was made into some farm dog and enjoyed the rest of his life not behind bars but enjoying the outside world. All of Bloomfield was involved in the search of him it seemed. There were many stories claiming he was spotted eating a squirrel, rolling in the grass, wandering down a country road. It is hard for me to accept that he was not terrified but happy. I dont blame my dad at all, but he still blames himself.

Well that's the story. There was Fuzzy that I grew up with but he already existed before I did so I can take zero credit for him.
Hope everyone has a good week!
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