Damn it's hot. No other way to put it besides now I know what a whore in church feels like. Sweating profusely. We are talking half my body weight drenched here. I know that sounds sexy and all, but sexy is the exact opposite than what i have been feeling today. I am now sitting at my computer, obviously, in shorts and a tank top with the AC blowing on my feet. It is refreshing I must say. Glad I moved my computer desk to enjoy this little luxury. Not only am I sitting here, basking in the AC but my neighbor is mowing my lawn. Yep, I am going to sip on my free McDonalds smoothy and write my pointless blog and listen to the sweet sound of manual labor. I swore I would never let the kid borrow the lawn mower again because it seems to break after everytime he uses it, but in this heat, I am a sucker for free manual labor. Plus I seem to be highly susceptible to the plague which I just got over and hopefully that explains some of the profuse sweating and not the fact that I am a fat ass that drinks smoothies while I make my neighbor mow my lawn.
The plague, well that started sunday. I woke up sunday feeling crappy and decided to baby myself knowing that i really needed to rally on monday. My pampering didn't work out as well as I hoped since Tess decided it would be fun to scale the compound that day. Luckily I caught her. Monday, I woke up with a 104 temp. Yep that was AFTER a cold shower. I give big ups to my friend Jen who saved the day at work that day. I tried to call my boss 4 times (between heaving in the toilet) and never got a hold of him. I eventually called my supervisor, who was more concerned with getting me to a doctor than the fact I wasn't going to be at work. I gave up, hugged the toilet and texted Jen to pass along the message. She did, even though she had to deal with evil death stares doing so. My hands were tied at that point. I feel much better except for the constant feeling of melting inside. That could be the heat or residual fever, who the hell knows.
I wonder why I am sick all the time. I try to eat healthy, as healthy as my stomach will allow me, I exercised (note past tense), and I get plenty of sleep. Throw some multi-vitamins in there and I should be the picture of good health. I don't have kids aka petri dishes,( just kidding :) I don't work with the general public, I wear a surgery mask 65% of the time, but my body just leaps at the chance to make my life miserable. It makes zero sense except for possible poor genes, or bad luck....or both. Maybe I need to increase my fruit intake. Smoothy (smoothie??) scores another point.
Well I got a new doggie niece. Her name is Daisy and I am in love with her wrinkles! I can't wait to meet her. She is a rescue (our pet family is nothing but poor orphan puppies and kitties). So now we have an even number of male and female dogs in the immediate family. Below is my favorite pic of her so far. Probably because of her wrinkles because she looks extremely pathetic in it otherwise. Good luck Daisy! You are in a great home!!

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