Wednesday, August 3, 2011

25 things you didn't know about me....

25. I love tattoos and I secretly would love to have a sleeve but since I only want tattoos where I can choose for people to see them it might have to be on my back and sides.
24. I love the smell of new shower curtains.
23. My dogs feet smell like fritos.
22. I wish I was as artistic now as I use to be in high school.
21. I sometimes regret ending up with Tess and sometimes she melts my heart.
20. I don't own nice things because I know they will ultimately end up broken by either me or my pets....except for Coach purses.
19. I am quickly approaching my scary age.
18. My scary age is 35.
17. Right now I really need to clean my house but instead am watching tv and blogging.
16. I don't let go of things, though I really really want to.
15. I suffer from depression, and sometimes I feel like I am drowning but I push through.
14. In the last year I have learned to trust in God with my life, because he really does have a plan.
13. I am addicted to reality shows, maybe because I don't have a life of my own.
12. Sometimes I really don't know how to say no and end up getting used by people.
11. As much as I didn't want Sam and Deli at the time, I miss them with all my heart.
10. I am terrified of not having kids.
9. I am terrified of having kids.
8. I desperately need a vacation, but that costs money.
7. Some nights I feel like I am loosing faith in mankind.
6. I love my job and I can't remember the last time I said that.
5. I am scared that I will never find someone who loves me for me.
4. I am scared that if I do find that someone I won't be able to trust them because of my past experiences.
3. I am extremely sarcastic.
2. I have a BFF that is considered part of the family.
1. I can't wait to become an aunt!

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