Captain Phil Harris and Family: We have welcomed you into our homes every Tuesday night, we have rooted for you, took pity on your cold asses, and laughed at the random acts of awesome pranks. I think we are all waiting with bated breath even though we know the final outcome. It is overwhelming to see the effect it has taken over the fleet as the news spreads of Phil's condition. It is both heartwarming and devasting to see the fleet pull together, Jonathan to take the boys under his wing, and Freddie to push Josh to do the right thing. I know it sounds like I know them all personally but I think all of us, who watch the show regularly, are still emotional when watching the actual events. Phil, may the crab fart bubbles be with you. The show will not be the same without you....
Anyone who follows this should read the tribute Mike Rowe wrote:
Meanwhile in rotten puppy news, Phoebe decided to injure herself somehow and is now on restricted activity and Metacam. Luckily, she is easily distracted by rawhides. This picture may have been taken in the snow, but Indy 500 laps are a regular occurence.
Heaven help me if it turns out to be something more serious, it is like trying to contain a lit firecracker, loud and dangerous!

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