Monday, June 28, 2010

29 days to go....

Yep, the official countdown begins. I am already losing my will to fight, not that I am giving up, no way, no how. I am just wondering if I should do any confrontations. I guess I have a week to think about it. Something you may all not know about me is that I have a temper. I am getting better at keeping it under control and professional, but if I have been known to snap from time to time (all my friends that are reading this are probably laughing out loud). I am afraid that once I hear the false or greatly distorted accusations that are floating around that I might just bitch-slap somebody....probably not a good idea.

I blame my dad for my temper. He has one too, one greatly similar to mine...which is why when we fight, it is a doozey. We have learned this and also learned that time away from each other is the best way to mend fences.

Mom always brings up the time that I yelled at the Ford guy. My escort (beloved car at the time) kept having horn fact the horn would only work when going around a curve. Not very useful. Also I believe the check engine light was constantly coming on. Anyhoo, I had taken it to a dealer in bloomington repeatedly for them to "fix it." The last straw was the 16th billion time they had it and decided they wanted to keep it for awhile to look for a part or some nonsense. They claimed they had FINALLY figured out the source of the issues. Now as a teenager, your car = your independence, especially in Bloomfield when all you did was cruise in your car. So I was mad and called the repair guy...I basically asked him why it took him 16 billion times to find the problem and to put my car together, I was coming to get it. Mom claims I made Bob cry. (that was his name). I don't know because we never saw or heard from Bob again. I did get my car back and fixed very quickly. They say nothing is worse than a woman scorned, try a hormonal teenager losing their freedom. Yeah, it wasn't pretty. I am sure my BFF, family, and ex-roommates can also come up with some wonderful stories portraying my wonderful temper, but let's not try. Let's just say I have almost out-grown my hateful streak. Almost.

So do I or do I not request a private meeting? I am giving myself 6 more days before I send the email request. I guess it is just the question of do I go down swinging or with my dignity....because I am pretty sure I probably won't go down swinging with my dignity. Everyone send your positive thoughts and prayers this way! They must be working because I had zero inclination to hurt anyone at Muffin today, which is definitely saying a lot! I actually complimented people...gasp! This, however, does not make me immune from making petty comments, rolling my eyes, or blatant harassing tomorrow.

Now I must go play with my puppy (only a puppy until saturday, sniff sniff) in this gorgeous weather. Enjoy the puppy pic!

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