Monday, January 31, 2011


Well after returning from a trip to Bloomfield, I am sitting on my couch with a dudley on my foot and writing this blog. Writing a blog from the couch??? Yes indeedy! I got a laptop from my parents since my dad got a new fancy toy. Though I am not very coordinated with said laptop so please ignore any typos. Somehow my thumb hits the mouse pad sensor thingy and then it jumps everywhere inserts words and generally confuses me. I apologize.
Whatever happened to the wistful times of snow days. I have fond memories of snow days, especially my senior year. We ended up with like two extra weeks off due to snow days. This was before the implementation of saturday school and all of the ramifications of numerous snow days. It was fabulous, not only did my BFF end up living with me for those weeks but i lived close enough to the best sledding hill in town that we could meet up with others and sled all day. My parents were very patient with all of the over-night company. Can you say Jurassic Park, Nicole? I do believe that night we had 4 people asleep in the living room. Three on the pullout couch and one on the love seat. Those were fond times when we didn't have a care in the world. The only places we needed to go were places we could walk (like the sledding hill or someone elses house). We had food and didn't have to worry about how we got it (since our parents were the people out there buying cheese weinies, O'boise chips, and Sunkist). Life was great!
Snow days were also sometimes a blessing when I lived out north of West Lafayette. I lived up a "lane" and though I had 4 wheel drive, the drifts would be so high that my poor little tracker didn't stand a chance. We would again be stranded for a day or two watching movies and shoveling paths for our tiny dogs. It was just enough time off to relish but not get cabin fever....okay we sometimes still got cabin fever.
Well now I live in town, my only big obstacle is getting out of the cul-de-sac safely. Though with all the mess predicted, I am a little leary. I did have an "issue" with ice a couple of years ago and it terrifies me. But my Escape rocks and hasn't failed me yet. I backed into the garage so I can only pray that INDOT has actually tried to clear the roads instead of pulling the usual "I will just wait until the snows stops to plow."
It's funny how winter weather is...the first snow is always something we look forward to, the inner child in us still gets excited at the first accumulation. Then at Christmas (though I am sure my dad is admantly disagreeing at this point) snow always adds the right ambiance..again appealing to our inner child. But when January hits, I know I am over snow. I am done with the boots, the shoveling, the scraping, the winter coats, the road conditions, the bread and milk drought, the idiots on the road and worrying about getting home. By January that inner child has been grounded and taught a lesson that SNOW indeed is not fun. So here I sit, surrounded by dogs and cats, listening to the ice hit the windows, and enjoying blogging from my couch. (Apology #2 about any typos).

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