Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday? Is that you?

What a week!! I am sure everyone is waiting to hear what happened on monday, well nothing I wasn't prepared for. I actually talked to a HR person monday morning who comforted me about my meeting in the afternoon. I also had a meeting with said HR person yesterday regarding maybe finding a new job. I think it is time for a change. Enough of this career mid-life crisis BS, I am going to find myself something that makes me truly happy. The HR person has hooked me up with an employee relations person to help me look. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job. My job. But there are many other aspects and people that make a job. When you spend more time at your job than anywhere else, then you need to be happy a majority of the time. So a change it is. I already have a few leads and it makes me hopeful. That is the path I am on, yes I am terrified of the journey, but I got tons of support from friends and family and of course the big guy upstairs (we have been talking a lot).
Now on to some other subjects. I was perusing some pics on facebook and got hit with a tidal wave of nostalgia. I saw pics of people that I use to spend just about everyday with, that were huge aspects in my life, and it seems like it was FOREVER ago. It makes me sad. I hate not keeping in touch with people who you truly had some great times with, but I know I am mostly to blame, I am horrible about keeping in touch. But sometimes, I just wish, I could go back and do it all over again. I could keep those promises about calling, visiting, keeping in touch, the phone call ending with love you, the idea to get married if we ever hit 30 and were still single. Back then it seemed impossible than I would still be single at 30 much less 30+. But, hey, shit happens I guess. Win some, lose some. Wasn't meant to be. .Insert other useless cliches here that are supposedly to help make you feel better. It just sucks.
But onto my other vice. I started watching Weeds. I was very apprehensive at first. I thought it was just about a bunch of stoners, and well, when you lived it and got out of it, then it isn't so appealing. But I must admit, totally blew me away (no pun intended). Great spin on the idea, why oh why, showtime, do I doubt you? You, nor HBO, have never led me astray. Yes, you make a great dent in my budget, but totally worth it. I mean, True Blood Season 3 is proof enough that HBO is pure genius. Same said for Dexter and Showtime. I will never doubt you again. Well peace out folks. I must go referee the chaos that is my house.


  1. Glad your meetings went well. Fingers crossed for those leads to work out!!

  2. OMG! Loving Weeds too! Maybe we should have a Weeds marathon next weekend instead of Scrubs. Or both! Although, I am not sure what cocktail would be appropriate for Weeds. Something green of course. I'll look into that.
