Wednesday, November 3, 2010

And the culprit is.....

TESS! I do believe Tess is the one who was the source of the wound on Phoebe's neck. My evidence is as follows:
1.) This was the first extended period of time the two were together unattended. Since Tess is a female Houdini, she is crate bound during the day while Dudley and Phoebe chill in the kitchen together.
2.) There has been some tension between the two, especially when Tess gets near Phoebe's neck.
3.) Girls are bitches (even if they are spayed). They will go for the jugular every chance they get. OKay, so that final reason may stem from other experiences this last year....which leads me to my next topic of blogic....
I HATE drama, I am not talking about the reality show, can't get enough, drama, or the drama club drama of Glee that we all love and miss, I am talking about real-life, man made drama. I have been through the worst of the worst, in fact the drama I was the target of eventually aided in me getting fired. I know the feeling of dread of going to work, I know the pit in your stomach when you pull into the parking lot, I know the counting the hours of the work day left, in fact, I am 99% sure it had a lot to do with my vast amounts of IBS blow-outs. And when it is never addressed, like mine was, then you end up feeling bullied and losing your job. I kicked ass at my job. AT MY JOB! I was good at what I did, and I will say it. But the drama part got the best of my health, and my skills meant nothing. So now I try to avoid drama. If you ask me, I will tell you. If I am uncomfortable about something, I will tell you. If I feel like shit, I will tell you. Plain and simple. If there are issues, address it in person. Don't let things fester and eventually burst like a really cool abscess. We all love abscesses but not the kind with maggots. Don't let it get to the maggot stage people, just don't.

1 comment:

  1. You do have such a way with words, you are the only one that could link maggots to drama.
