Monday, June 27, 2011

90 days.....

Today not only did I participate in a Wet lab to teach new interns but I also had my 90 day evaluation. Both of which went extremely well. It is nice having co-workers who actually like me, or at least pretend to like me. Though I at least need to remember to dial the sarcasm down a little bit with this new group of interns.
As I am getting use to the new job, new students, new interns, I am still struggling with keeping in touch with my friends. We all know I love sleep and working nights is just a perfect excuse to do it as much as possible. A friend of mine recently posted a blog on depression and though hers is due to post partum, I have to watch myself and that I am sleeping because I am tired and not because it is sneaking in again. Depression can affect everyone in different ways and it is not necessarly considered to be because I am "sad." Sometimes it is a lack of interest in human interaction, a lack of motivation, and a surplus of sleep and pain. It usually sneaks up on me in the winter when the days last just about as long as a Lifetime Movie. In the winters, one of my big deterents to keep it away is to go tanning. That is why I try to spend much of my time outside with my pups in the sunshine. Though sunshine is a scarce commoditiy lately as well.
So,to all of my neglected friends, let's make plans to enjoy the rest of this summer!!

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