Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm Pissed..continued....

Why am I still ranting?? Because I have come to the gross realization that being an adult SUCKS. I love owning a house and a car. But when it comes to choosing right over wrong, it still sucks. Why am I still obsessed about this concert?? I don't know. I had no notion of going until last week, but the idea of going with a really good friend and starting our tradition again sounds soooo like something I need right now. Maybe I am jealous that the people who were jealous of me being able to go are now there enjoying the concert and I'm not. Maybe it will erase the phone calls I have had to make this week to my co-workers saying "I'm sorry, I can't come in, I am exploding out of both ends." Good-bye dignity (okay I actually lost my dignity after my first colonoscopy). I found tickets online for the concert tomorrow. They are a little bit more expensive than the ones from tonight. Here are the pros: Last concert until 2012, pavillion seats, sold out show that I found tickets for, and it's Dave. Here are the cons: I would have to find someone (risking they might never speak to me again) to watch the dogs, driving there and parking (ugh), and I do not have the money to buy two tickets which I would have to do in order for someone to go with me. Yes and being spoiled as I am, I called and asked dad to buy them for me. He said he would....which makes me feel even worse. I, in no way shape or form, NEED to go. Yes I would be happy seeing dorky dancing Dave onstage, but I can go see local bands tomorrow for $10 and hang with some good friends and come home to my bed and still retain all my friends since a pet-sitter is not needed. I know the right answer and it still sucks but I am sure in the long run, I will know I have made the right choice. I am just hoping that good feeling of doing the responsible thing comes tomorrow.

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