Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A woman's right to be THANKFUL!!

Yep, you read that correctly. We have gotten pounded with some pretty severe storms in the past couple of days, and last night we got close to 4 inches of water in less than 24 hours. I woke up this morning to about 4inches of water standing in my back porch (which is enclosed). That water had no where to go but into my basement....ugh. Hence me being thankful. After these super storms, I am thankful that I still had power and a roof over my head and a basement to go into in case there are tornados. I realize how super thankful I am that I don't have animals that get super stressed with storms. Dudley loves them, how could you not?? TO him it is a giant sprinkler complete with a light show! Lola is scared of everything so I can't really base anything on her "normal" behavior. Phoebe started getting a little restless about hour 8 of the storms and moved from under the covers to under the bed, no big deal. And Chaplin is only scared of the weather radio. Yep, him and NOAA are on a hate/hate relationship. I swear if these storms keep up, I will have to either put earplugs in Chaplin or put him on prozac, otherwise he WILL have a heart attack. I had a dog before who was deathly afraid of storms and for good reason. I was home alone with my childhood dog during a storm when the lightpole in front of my house got struck by lightning. The lightning went through the house and blew up a tree in the backyard. Pete (yep we are real original on the names) had been laying against our sliding glass window when it happened and we think he got shocked, because for awhile he would avoid the window. Later he must have realized it was the storms because he could hear thunder miles away and would start to panic and attach himself to me (since I was home when it happened). Every once in awhile, when it is storming, I still find myself hanging my arm over the side of the bed like I had to when he was around. Pete was the bestest dog ever and I plan to write about him sometime. But again, I stray.
So the rugs in my basement were soaked, keeping the water from getting to the drains. My plan? Go to work, get what I needed done and snag some squeegees. I also called Leah who came to help me drag hairy soaking wet carpet up the snot slick stairs. I am thankful to have great friends to help me in time of crisis. I am also thankful that I work at a place that has giant squeegees.
I am thankful that nothing electrical was damaged, it could have ended very badly if the electrical box had gotten wet. I am also happy that I took my laundry basket of clean clothes up the stairs last night otherwise I would have had a lot more to clean. So all in all, it could have been A LOT worse. Everyone around here and their chinese half-brother Colin are flooded so at least I am not alone on this plight! Stay safe! Enjoy the family photo!

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