Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In the eye of the storm....

The Shit storm that is. Do you ever have the moment when you really expect the light to shine down from above and to hear a choir singing because the obvious just smacked you in the face? I had that revelation today. Apparently said revelation was explained to me on friday, but a few wine coolers and my light-weight ass didn't hear it. (Yes, I am embarassed to say that I do not think I could drive home after one Harry's captain and coke anymore. In my prime I use to be able to function on two or three.)
Well the obvious smacked me in the face regardless of what day. Now that I have the information, how do I choose to use it is the question. Good thing I have another 5 days or so to ponder it and get my pisstivities out of my system. I do admit that when I am wronged, I can be a bit.......brash.
Even though my plans for the week have not exactly been followed, such as the intended working out. I have been more sleeping on the couch than working out. I blame this mostly on the fact that for the last 2 days I have sat in front of an industrial sized fan and my eyes feel like sandpaper. The days were also so grueling that when I look up at the clock I expect it to be at least 1 or 2pm and it was....11:30am. Sigh. Hopefully tomorrow goes a wee bit faster. At least I will be in a place where the urge to open my fat mouth will be lessened. On the down side, it will be harder to place my foot in it when I have a surgical mask on...............hmmmmm......with the ambient noise of 8 million things running, I will have three attempts to say something before anyone actually hears it. I think I might be safe tomorrow...fingers crossed.
Thanks Krista! You are my one and only admitted follower.

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