Saturday, June 12, 2010

A woman's right to being single.

Many may wonder what made me want to start my blog. I need a place to vent. I know my friends and family are sick of hearing me so I decided I would make it a choice on whether or not to listen, er, read me.
So my first vent to follow:
Have you seen that episode of Sex and the City about a Woman's right to shoes? That episode has been continually coming to my mind since thursday. I am the only single woman of my age in my workplace. I usually have no complaints about that, generally it wouldn't make any difference if I was single, but after a round of home repairs, some changes at work, and a meeting with my boss, it has been made painfully aware to me.
Scene one: I stay home to get my air-conditioner fixed because it literally almost caught my house on fire (seriously that is what the technician said). I am the one who has to stay home, there is no one else who can do it. I get suggested to me that I could let the man in, lock the animals in a room, and go to work. How about NO.
Scene two: There has been an epidemic of late days lately. My hours are 7:30-4pm. As is everyone else on my team. However, if a day runs late, I do not have kids to be picked up at day care or ball practice, or a life therefore it is assumed that I can stay until said day is finished. Not cool. I have dogs which are close to kids except they don't wear diapers. They crap and pee on my floor, get on my kitchen table (recently discovered), and would like some attention. But that doesn't matter. I can stay late, I don't have kids.
Scene three: Don't judge me because I watch TV, and lots of it. Don't roll your eyes when I make conversation regarding TV. There are others out there who do watch it, and enjoy it. It may come back to the point that you have kids and don't have time to watch tv, but I have friends with kids who still watch tv, so don't use that excuse. And don't judge me because I have cable.

So my POINT is, as a single person, I still have rights. In some ways, I should have more rights. I have no one else to share the responsibility of home ownership with...NO ONE. If something arises at my house, I am the only one who has to figure out when it can be fixed and how it is going to be repaired. Which means, I stay home. On the downside, I also get the joy of paying for it on one income. I also have the right to leave work on time. Did I mention it is just me?? There is no one who can let my dogs out for me, stop by the bank, go to the doctor, go grocery shopping, or mow my lawn. I love kids! In no way am I saying there is anything wrong with kids. But just because I choose not to have them, doesn't make me less of a person. It does not give anyone the right to assume that I can stay late because I don't have to make it to daycare.
So back to the episode of SATC. I have the right to pay for cable, leave work on time, stay home for repairs, and own nice things. I pay for them.
And as a side note: Why aren't there family sick days that include animal sicknesses?? I definitely don't consider staying home shampooing the carpet and rushing my dog outside for explosive diarrhea a "vacation." I guess maternity leave for a new puppy would definitely be out of the question.

I want to make it obvious to all who happen upon this blog that I LOVE kids and I do not believe that dogs and kids are equal. :) It is just my way of making a point about how ridiculous things have become at work.

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