Saturday, February 26, 2011

New steps and hard decisions

I have had to make a lot of hard decisons in my life. Some decisions I should have made before they were made for me. Some decisions I will second guess for the rest of my life. And some decisions are simply a "no brainer." Maybe a no brainer but my heart is definitely involved. I am leaving a place that is like home to me. I love my co-workers and my job but cannot financially afford to stay there. Again I am going to play the single card, I like that card, but being independent, I cannot continue to mooch off my dad for the rest of my life. He hates me, I am sure. I want him to retire and be happy....and take Tess, but that is an argument for a different time. I got offered a new opportunity that has forced me to leave all that is familiar behind and embark on a new adventure which I am excited about, but have to leave those that were there for me during a dark time. I will be eternally thankful for all the times they were there helping me out and showing support. It is not something I want to do, but if I play out the entire deck, it is something I need to do, something I have to do. So yes, I am sick with what I have had to decide but at the same time can't help but be a little bit excited for what is yet to come. And also breathe a sigh of relief that I hopefully won't have to ask for money anymore. Plus when my health insurance kicks in I can go sky-diving, tight rope walking, get pierced at unsanitary establishments, train lions, and do any other things that might require a hospital visit shortly thereafter.

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