Monday, July 5, 2010

That's a risk you take with that particular type of fruit....

So my title has nothing to do with my post really. I could go through the thought process that led me to that quote from my favorite episode of went a little something like this:
Driving home--> Dudley with doggles-->he keeps tearing these damn things up---> I wonder if I could make him some---> it would be like grape fruit goggles--> He he he, I love that episode of Scrubs--->must use quote in some form sometime today--->damn, who would even get it? --->I wonder if Mandy really reads this cause if she does then she would--->now me writing this.
I went to Bloomfield for the 4th of July. Here is a list of the pros and cons of doing so.
Pro: My dogs get TIRED.
Con: My dogs get SPOILED. Sure dad, go ahead and feed Phoebe from the table, just encourage her to STAND ON IT.
Pro: I do not have to worry about the crash that I heard in the living room, the cats aren't here.
Con: My parents house is still not "phoebe" proof. The crash was a result of my dog.
Pro: Always get home cooked food, especially grilled turkey breast! And DQ ice cream.
Con: DQ always makes me sick, why don't I remember that???
Pro: Mom spoils me by taking me shopping.
Con: Every venture out of the house increases my risk of running into an ex (or a relative of an ex) thus increasing my risk of ending up in jail for hurting someone.
Pro: Mom takes the dogs out for me in the morning so I really and truly get to sleep in.
Con: Phoebe still projectiles herself onto my most vital organs because she forgot I was there and was super duper excited to find me in bed.
Pro: I can spend all day reading and napping and don't feel guilty about the filth that is my house.
Con: I still come home to the filth that is my house, the destruction of lonely cats, and then I can't fall asleep because I did nothing all weekend and Craplin is trying to lay on my face.

So if you were in Bloomfield this weekend and saw my car, I am sorry. I would have loved to meet you at the fireworks or maybe had a drink at Aggies, but since my most loathed EX apparently fell off the wagon, (I would assume since he was in the paper for driving to the jail drunk to check on his girlfriend who got a DUI) the chances are great that he would be there. See above regarding violence.

All in all though, this 4th was better than last year because 1.) there was zero explosive diarrhea on my car's leather seats and 2.) I successfully avoided all contact with those I did not wish to see. (Amber, that does not include you, see above regarding DQ ice cream.)

Now I am going to try to finish reading "Such a Pretty Fat." At least I think that was the title before Phoebe ate it and the 1st couple of chapters. Yes, Dad, I know you were gone only 15minutes and yes, Dad, when it is quiet, there is trouble brewing....
This is why I have yet to start going to the local library.
Happy 4th!

1 comment:

  1. Take a pictura!!!

    Big Pete, Little Pete, Tiny Pete, Ardvark....and Steve!

    Jeanine is built like a bear! She curled me once....
