Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You spin me right round baby....

That about sums up the last two days. I woke up yesterday morning unable to walk in a straightline so as I stumbled down the hallway holding on to the wall, I stepped in a nice big pile of puke (thanks Craplin, I will no longer force you to take metacam). I made it to let the dogs outside, then I sat down and panicked. I knew if I drove to work I would definitely get pulled over and get a DUI since I would totally fail the sobriety test. I found a ride, thanks Jen, and took my not-so-happy ass to work, or rather she took it. At which point I got bitched at for not staying late (hello, head spinning), bitched at for not exposing them to anesthesia, and bitched at for what ever else, after a certain point, I just quit listening. I am talking about when you finally lay down after a night of drinking and you feel the need to put your foot on the floor to keep the room from spinning, that is how I felt ALL DAY. Then came the tunnel vision, followed by the numbness in my appendages. Needless to say, I did not give a F#%$ by the end of the day. I even gave up finding a way to do PM treatments and pulled out the big guns, I called the boss. He actually recognized my pain and offered to do them for me. When I woke up this morning, feeling even worse with more spinning and nausea, I gave up and figured there were twice as many capable people at work today than there was yesterday so they should be fine. I made my calls and Finally waking up at 4pm, I feel hungover but not spinny. Now i feel I must try and put my house back together since mom sleeping all day equals general destruction thoughout the house. Which comes to reason 926 why I love my house: CVS is only 2 blocks away. When you feel like shit, it takes longer to put on a bra to go out in public than it actually takes to make it to CVS. General awesomeness.

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