Monday, July 19, 2010

What a horrible pregnant person!!

No. Not me. And before you even think about what this title means, I will explain. We had a procedure at work today that required the cuff in the endotracheal tube to be deflated, which exposed everyone to Iso. So instead of having a horrible headache at the end of the day and feeling like crap, I decided to wear the respirator which normally only pregnant people wear. Or should wear. Or need to wear to keep their job. Or, well never mind. Anyways so I am wearing this darth vader mask thinking "wow, everyone walking up and down that hallway is going to think I am preggers. Not only am I wearing this but I am pregnant with a food baby (aka fat.)"
Then I realized that I was also sitting as close to the C-arm without actually stradling it as someone can get. In case you didn't know, the C-arm is basically a live X-ray. Meaning large amounts of radiation, which would NOT be good for my imaginary fetus. So now all these people that are walking down the hallway are thinking, "awww, someone let that dumbass get pregnant. Poor kid doesn't stand a chance, especially since it will come out with an extra limb from all those rays." So for clarification. No I am not pregnant, and Yes I am a dumbass but not in this instance.
We come up on the monday of the dreaded week. My meeting is on friday. Now I have been getting advice from various sources on how to handle myself in this meeting without using the terms asshats or slower than smoke off shit. I think I am prepared but it really is a crapshoot. There is probably a good 60% chance I will go in there and drool without saying anything in my defense.
This weekend sucked ass!! It sucked ass for the following reasons:
1.) the spinny head thing, a virus. who knew?? felt like ass all weekend.
2.) Started watching House. Love it! But my plans to watch all of season one on saturday night were foiled by the power going out.
3.) No power = no AC =no Fans = miserable sick person
4.)No power = no lights = flashlights. OMG DUDLEY!! He was driving me bat-shit crazy. 3am. The flashlight hadn't been on for say 2hours and yet he panted and stared at it then at me, at it, at me, pant pant pant, at it, at me, pant pant pant, at it, at me, pant pant pant. You get the point.
5.)No groceries, due to going bad and desperately needing to go shopping.
6.) Dogs driving me insane due to heat, but they still needed to go outside every 5 minutes in case it cooled off. It didn't.
7.) Enter a very early monday.
Now as you can see, the spinny head thing (or the gas leak) have caused me to be pretty abrupt in my topic changes. Therefore I am going to leave you now. Good-bye.

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