Monday, October 18, 2010

7 Years = 4 boxes

Funny how it works. I was keeping myself occupied today by grocery shopping with b-day gift cards, laundry, and walking the dogs. Yes, I attempted the first 3 dog walk (not to be confused with a three dog night). Since it looks my thursdays are going to be a bit long, I figured I could try to squeeze in a dog walk on my lunch break. I didn't want my maiden voyage to be on a lunch break so I tried this afternoon. It went well. Tess is still obsessed with the squirrels, Phoebe has ADD and Dudley was just getting down right pissed that everyone else was not taking the walk as seriously as him. But we made it up the hill and back with few knots, and no dog beatings....but I stray. After exhausting the dogs, I realized that I need to see what scrubs I still have around. So I attack the boxes. These boxes were packed up 2 weeks ago today through a haze of tears. I think the first thing that surprised me was that there were only 4 boxes. 4 boxes? My 7 year career not only ended in complete betrayal but can be summed up in 4 boxes. Two offices, three buildings, 3 co-workers, 1 boss, and 4 boxes. Wow. That is kinda brutal. I try to be positive, Lord knows everyone is sick of hearing about this, but I can't shake it out of my head. And when I think it is gone for a little while, I end up coming across something like 4 freakin boxes that bring it all back like a tidal wave. I know I moved on to something better, obviously, since that environment was toxic in more ways than one but it is the betrayal that hurts. I gave a co-workers' kids books every year for christmas, not only because my mom is a children's librarian but also because reading was such an important part of my childhood. I gave them some of my favorites like "A tale of two bad mice" and "Where the sidewalk ends." It is these little memories that I think will continue to pour salt in the wound. I hope they are happy with themselves....and whoever they take to their side, fine by me. (Also, if you haven't noticed Bitterness=paranoia.) Someday, I am sure I will be the bigger person, but I am not sure when. Matchbox20 has been great music to listen to. It has some great lines like "I gotta hole in me now, and I gotta scar I can talk about," but it also is not too bitter like Art from Everclear. Well enough rambling, since is the second blog for today. Some reason it just helps to get this BS off my chest. I just want to know: When does the bitterness end? Unfortunately there isn't a Sex and the City episode that covers this particular incident. I need a beach, a rum spiked beverage and some sun....

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